heyy guys. sorry i haven't talked to most of you lately. this morning it was raining but it was 5 degrees! so me, destiny, and my daddy went up mount doug (the mountain by my gramma and grandpas house). it was pretty wet and mucky but the smell of the trees and the rain is one of the best things in the world. its so quiet up there but if you listen really hard you can hear all the little birds and the wind whistling through the bushes. and the trees. wow, they kick our trees butts haha. they are so tall and old. and everything is green. oh well
on the other hand i am very homesick. i love saskatoon but even more than that i miss all you guys and my doggy..lol but ill be home soon enough, thursday to be exact. anyways i better go my dad wants to make the "plan" for today... haha
miss u all!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
so today i learned about the car accident that im sure a few of you know about. there were some guys going to a b-ball game who were from borden and they got hit by a big truck. two of them died (they were 16) and then one of them is in surgury. to tell you the truth i wouldn't be affected much by this. i mean of course id feel really bad and sad for these two young guys. its a horrible thing to hear.. but two of my closer friends knew these guys and they are both really taking it hard. one of my friends actually lives in borden so its really hitting her hard and stuff. so i was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind praying for my friends and also those two boys. and also the guy whose in surgury. thanks..
Monday, December 10, 2007

well i dunno why i called this post happy but i guess im happy..lol anywayss.. there goes random grace..haha but seriously so how are things going in all of ur lives??? oh wait thats a sort of stupid thing to ask on my blog..haha but yeahh ummmmmmmmm.... k well like i have been pretty happy lately and things have been going good in life. no more backing up into cars (yes i already got into a fender bender..haha) and no more bad people in my life. everyones my friend and for the most part everyones being nice to me. for the most part
there is one person.. who teases me (meanily hahaah thats not a word) and its all jokes and stuff.. but its hurting me slowly. i tell them to stop and grow up but the problem persists. can u guys pray for me that i can deal with this situation in a Godly way instead of coming back with a nasty retort.. thanks
Monday, December 03, 2007
i give up.
sometimes i wonder why it think i can even try.
why should i try to fight it?
why do i think i can win this fight?
i'm always goin to be the loser in this one...
cause my God is going to win this one
i always seem to fight what he want's for me
but in the end i always wish i should've trusted him
casue in the end my way always ends up
just hurting me
i wish that i had a time machine that could take me back
even just a few weeks ago
and things would be so much different...
why do i trust my heart?
why do i think my way is always right?
why do i resist his love and help?...
God you are there for me always
i know you are here right now as i type this
please just take me in you heart again
in your heart is the only place
this mixed up little girl can fit into
take me back please
i want to be safe from this world
your all i want and i need you so badly
you are everthing
just plain everything...
nothing could be better than having you in my life again
you are more than enough for me
i don't need boys, money, or even a car to satisfy me
you can overflow my heart more than anyone in this world
your love is so deep and its the only true kind of love
people always tell me that they love me
your the only one i can trust
you will never hurt me
you will always love me
you are my father and i
am you daughter...
and i thank you for that
God im asking you to take me back into your arms...
i am once again taking into my heart
letting you take control
i can't do this without you
you are my rock and my supporter
i have learned that i am absolutely
nothing and i am totally worthless
without you...
ive missed you
sometimes i wonder why it think i can even try.
why should i try to fight it?
why do i think i can win this fight?
i'm always goin to be the loser in this one...
cause my God is going to win this one
i always seem to fight what he want's for me
but in the end i always wish i should've trusted him
casue in the end my way always ends up
just hurting me
i wish that i had a time machine that could take me back
even just a few weeks ago
and things would be so much different...
why do i trust my heart?
why do i think my way is always right?
why do i resist his love and help?...
God you are there for me always
i know you are here right now as i type this
please just take me in you heart again
in your heart is the only place
this mixed up little girl can fit into
take me back please
i want to be safe from this world
your all i want and i need you so badly
you are everthing
just plain everything...
nothing could be better than having you in my life again
you are more than enough for me
i don't need boys, money, or even a car to satisfy me
you can overflow my heart more than anyone in this world
your love is so deep and its the only true kind of love
people always tell me that they love me
your the only one i can trust
you will never hurt me
you will always love me
you are my father and i
am you daughter...
and i thank you for that
God im asking you to take me back into your arms...
i am once again taking into my heart
letting you take control
i can't do this without you
you are my rock and my supporter
i have learned that i am absolutely
nothing and i am totally worthless
without you...
ive missed you
at schoool
heyy guys. well im in advisory right now... im just thinking about lots of stuff and its a bit overwhelming. i mean theres Destiny and everything (her court date is tomorrow!) and it just seems like there are so many decisions that i have to make lately. i think ive been forgetting about one thing though... GOD.. i really have to remember that im not in this alonee... g2g though xoxoxo
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
well la ti da...
ha im very bored right now.. but im having a bit of a problem so i think i should tell you guys.. i dunno...
well it has to do with food. i know that im not fat okay, lol unless you guys think so. i hope you don't! lol anyways. so my problem lately has definatly been over eating. its not that im eating bad foods.. although i do that too much too! but i eat as soon as i get a tinnny bit hungry. i am gaining some weight and i really don't want to gain any weight.. cause then my pants don't fit..lol but anyways, ive really been struggling with this. God has called me to fast to help show me that i need to put him over food and that he can get me through the days without eating. can you guys please pray for me?? thanks...
well it has to do with food. i know that im not fat okay, lol unless you guys think so. i hope you don't! lol anyways. so my problem lately has definatly been over eating. its not that im eating bad foods.. although i do that too much too! but i eat as soon as i get a tinnny bit hungry. i am gaining some weight and i really don't want to gain any weight.. cause then my pants don't fit..lol but anyways, ive really been struggling with this. God has called me to fast to help show me that i need to put him over food and that he can get me through the days without eating. can you guys please pray for me?? thanks...
Monday, November 19, 2007
whats new?
i figured that i should update because a few people have come up to me and asked me how my slump has been going... haha.. well that "slump"only lasted that one night. after that i felt fine. i think i was just tired and stressed as most of us are at the end of the week. anyways, so to let you all know, i did pass my drivers exam. i only got 6 points off this time, not 38.. lol but driving has been so much fun. its so weird not having my mom in the passenger seat saying ohh kay thats a stop sign..haha.
this past weekend was very fun since i barely had any homework. on Friday I went to worship at 6:00 for youth and then we did our thing and it was much fun. and then after that i went home and did my piano practice and then steph came over and we talked on my couch for like 10 minutes and then kent calls and is like guys wanna do something? and we were so bored so we all went to pizza hut and said hi to leon and then went to Alexander's and ate some delicious nachos.. i am definatly going there again! so then steph came back to my house and we had a sleepover and we slept in like there was no tomorrow..haha and yeah then Saturday i can't really remember much of what happened.. i think... oh yeah i did homework and then i went to leons and watched a movie and then went to bed at like 10:00 ahah and then Sunday my lovely katleynn was baptized!! man am i ever proud of you! and then i got to go out for a fancy lunch at the bessborough.. leon paid for that one and can i tell you that i felt like the most biggest princess ever? haha it was so much fun and then i went home and watched the last bit of the football game with my mom and yeah that was my weekend...i love weekends....
this past weekend was very fun since i barely had any homework. on Friday I went to worship at 6:00 for youth and then we did our thing and it was much fun. and then after that i went home and did my piano practice and then steph came over and we talked on my couch for like 10 minutes and then kent calls and is like guys wanna do something? and we were so bored so we all went to pizza hut and said hi to leon and then went to Alexander's and ate some delicious nachos.. i am definatly going there again! so then steph came back to my house and we had a sleepover and we slept in like there was no tomorrow..haha and yeah then Saturday i can't really remember much of what happened.. i think... oh yeah i did homework and then i went to leons and watched a movie and then went to bed at like 10:00 ahah and then Sunday my lovely katleynn was baptized!! man am i ever proud of you! and then i got to go out for a fancy lunch at the bessborough.. leon paid for that one and can i tell you that i felt like the most biggest princess ever? haha it was so much fun and then i went home and watched the last bit of the football game with my mom and yeah that was my weekend...i love weekends....
Friday, November 09, 2007
im in a slumppp...

wow i don't even know how to tell you how im feeling right now. i dunno, im not necesarilly depressed but im not happy. i don't feel like going to youth tonight at all, i feel like crawling into my bed and sleeping. on the other hand, going out to a movie with a friend sounds appealing. i don't want to talk to anyone, i just want to be with people. i want to know whats going to make me happy. now all i feel like doing is stuffing my face with pizza and gulping down a diet coke. i feel so tired right now and grumpy and i don't want to snap at anyone at youth. but i want to go to youth so i can get out of my stupid house cause ive been here all day. hmm well i guess ill come to youth. i don't really have an option other than going to bed or watching a movie by myself which i don't want to do. hmm.. guess ill have to take some words from the wize and "suck it up princess.."
i didn't even see it....

last night i was sitting and talking with leon. he was telling me about a whole bunch of stuff that was happening with him. then we just sat there and he asked me if i was okay. and i said no for some reason. he asked why and i said i have no clue. then he asked me about what was happening in my life.
then it hit me...
it felt like a ton of bricks were squishing me and i couldn't breathe and i was trapped and i could see this little light in the distance but i could never reach it. i would try to reach for it but more and more bricks kept trapping me...
i realized that i had gone through so much in the past few months. i didn't realize that i had been okay until now, it just sorta hit me when i stopped to think about it. its weird how that happens, you don't actually realize what you've been through until you stop. thats my problem, i never stop andi never think. i just go and do.. and keep going. but now i realize that that is going to hurt me in the end if i don't realize whats happening in my own life. im too caught up with whats happening around me and what im going to miss.
leon told me that whats happening is like this: im walking along a path, and i have a backpack. in the backpack are lots of stones, they are other peoples problems. and the keep filling up my backpack. soon my backpack is full of stones, it doesn't overflow but it is so heavy that i fall down. all the stones fall out of the backpack and i just sit on the ground. people pass by me with their half full backpacks and just stare and move on. Then my friends come around and they fill their backpacks with some of my stones so that when they help me up my backpack is a lot less heavy.
lately it seems like so many of my friends are having problems from abusive situations all the way to boy troubles. i guess i felt like i needed to be the strong one and i realized that im not the strong one. God is the strong one. i think that now that i now this i need to give God all these problems because he is the only one who can help me. God is my rock.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Be still and know that I am God Psalm 46:10
I read this in my devos this morning. Last night I was like man i should read my bible. Then just as I was about to pick it up, God was like Gracie, you just need to be still for a minute, no writing prayers, no reading just listening. So I was like okay. Fine, have it your way...lol. So i grabbed my iPod and sat on my bed and started to listen to my wroship music. I found a good song and just looked out my window. Right in my window was the moon. It was so big and beautiful. And i realized hey, my daddy made that. Thats pretty cool. So then I just sat on my bed and looked at the moon and just thought about how awesome God is. He has been totally blessing my life lately and I have been coming so much closer to him. He has shown me how he can bring certain people in your life for a reason, there not just there for your entertainment. He's shown my how he can work through me when im willing to take risks for him, but he will reward me in the end. God is totally awesome guys.
I read this in my devos this morning. Last night I was like man i should read my bible. Then just as I was about to pick it up, God was like Gracie, you just need to be still for a minute, no writing prayers, no reading just listening. So I was like okay. Fine, have it your way...lol. So i grabbed my iPod and sat on my bed and started to listen to my wroship music. I found a good song and just looked out my window. Right in my window was the moon. It was so big and beautiful. And i realized hey, my daddy made that. Thats pretty cool. So then I just sat on my bed and looked at the moon and just thought about how awesome God is. He has been totally blessing my life lately and I have been coming so much closer to him. He has shown me how he can bring certain people in your life for a reason, there not just there for your entertainment. He's shown my how he can work through me when im willing to take risks for him, but he will reward me in the end. God is totally awesome guys.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
oh im just a thinkin...:P
well ive been thinking lately. since i've had a lot of time to think. a few days ago i was thinking. i felt so alone, weak and just drained. I cleared my mind and tried to relax. i saw my bible laying on my table. without even thinking, i picked it up. i heard the words psalm and 62 in my head. i immediatly could tell that it was my father's voice. so without hesitation i flipped to pslam 62 and it was such a miracle and a blessing. it says:
1 For God alone my soul waits in silence;
from him comes my salvation. 2 He alone is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress; I shall never be shaken.
3 How long will you assail a person,
will you batter your victim, all of you,
as you would a leaning wall, a tottering fence?
4 Their only plan is to bring down a person of prominence.
They take pleasure in falsehood;
they bless with their mouths,
but inwardly they curse.
5 For God alone my soul waits in silence,
for my hope is from him.
6 He alone is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
7 On God rests my deliverance and my honor;
my mighty rock, my refuge is in God.
8 Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us.
9 Those of low estate are but a breath,
those of high estate are a delusion;
in the balances they go up;
they are together lighter than a breath.
10 Put no confidence in extortion,
and set no vain hopes on robbery;
if riches increase, do not set your heart on them.
11 Once God has spoken;
twice have I heard this:
that power belongs to God,
12 and steadfast love belongs to you, O Lord.
For you repay to all
according to their work.
For me this was such a blessing not only because i felt like i was alone, but also because i felt like i had done all these things for God but nothing had come from it. He promises us that we will be repayed for the things we have done for him. i know that God is my rock and I can lean on him...
just thinkin....
1 For God alone my soul waits in silence;
from him comes my salvation. 2 He alone is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress; I shall never be shaken.
3 How long will you assail a person,
will you batter your victim, all of you,
as you would a leaning wall, a tottering fence?
4 Their only plan is to bring down a person of prominence.
They take pleasure in falsehood;
they bless with their mouths,
but inwardly they curse.
5 For God alone my soul waits in silence,
for my hope is from him.
6 He alone is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
7 On God rests my deliverance and my honor;
my mighty rock, my refuge is in God.
8 Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us.
9 Those of low estate are but a breath,
those of high estate are a delusion;
in the balances they go up;
they are together lighter than a breath.
10 Put no confidence in extortion,
and set no vain hopes on robbery;
if riches increase, do not set your heart on them.
11 Once God has spoken;
twice have I heard this:
that power belongs to God,
12 and steadfast love belongs to you, O Lord.
For you repay to all
according to their work.
For me this was such a blessing not only because i felt like i was alone, but also because i felt like i had done all these things for God but nothing had come from it. He promises us that we will be repayed for the things we have done for him. i know that God is my rock and I can lean on him...
just thinkin....
Friday, October 12, 2007
prayer for me.... praise for God...

Father, i know that i can get excited reallly easy. Tonight when im out with my friends can you please guide the way i talk and act. help me to slow down and help me to see other around me. Help me to listen sometimes...
God i praise you for putting so many blessings in my life. you are truely amazing. i have seen you work in so many lives. please help me to recognize these blessings and give them back to you. you are the one that deserves all the credit. You have surrounded me with so many God given opportunities and so many people willing to help me accomplish them.
Friday, October 05, 2007
wow two posts in one day....

well im not sure as to why im posting right now but i just need to get out my thoughts i guess. im feeling really traped, literally, i just feel like i want to get out of the house. its probably because all i did yesterday was sit at home by myself till midnight. but sometimes thats all i feel like doing lately. i dunno things are crazy and i just want to have fun and get on with my life. i dunno wats holding me back though. maybe im just pmsing?? i have no clue.... oh well i just everything to go back to normal in my life so that i can function...
well most of you know by now that leon and i aren't together anymore. obviously for his sake and mine im not going to talk about it but what i am going to say is that it was avery good experience. we went out for almost 15 months. you would think after going out for so long, you couldn't be friends afterwards, but of course there is God in all of this. The night that i broke up with Leon we felt so much love for eachother, in a friend way, and we were so happy that we didn't have to part in bitterness. i know that he will always be my friend.
but on the other hand, what do i fill this huge whole in my heart with?? Well the obvious answer is God and that is what i have been doing. its been amazing just being so lonely and then being like Gods my best buddy, i can always chill with him tonight. but also, i realized that there are so many friends that i have forgotton about that are all around me . they aren't the obvious ones either. today i wrote one of my friends an email apologizing for how i treated her becuase i felt as though i had ignored her. then i read my devotions on my email and it was all about friends. it wasn't anything long but here it is:
A man [that hath] friends must show himself friendly. Proverbs 18:24 During your teenage years they can make you or break you. They can stress you out more than anything else. No, they aren’t zits or clothing or even grades…they are your friends. All through high school and college you have to be in the right social circles. In high school you have the jocks, cheerleaders, preps, party goers, nerds, etc. In most colleges there are fraternities and sororities that everyone wants to be a part of. While social status may be the important factor in the world today, that doesn’t mean you should snub those considered “lower” than you. When you ignore others, you are showing that you don’t care about them. Less and less people will like you because of your harsh actions. Proverbs says that, “A man who has friends must show himself friendly.” When you are nice to everyone, God’s grace shines through you and you become a friend of all of the groups at your school or work. Go out of your way today to be kind. See the rewards that God will grant you when you treat everyone the way you would like to be treated.
That just spoke to me and told me that i shouldn't care about all these cliques and stuff, i need to put myself out there...
but on the other hand, what do i fill this huge whole in my heart with?? Well the obvious answer is God and that is what i have been doing. its been amazing just being so lonely and then being like Gods my best buddy, i can always chill with him tonight. but also, i realized that there are so many friends that i have forgotton about that are all around me . they aren't the obvious ones either. today i wrote one of my friends an email apologizing for how i treated her becuase i felt as though i had ignored her. then i read my devotions on my email and it was all about friends. it wasn't anything long but here it is:
A man [that hath] friends must show himself friendly. Proverbs 18:24 During your teenage years they can make you or break you. They can stress you out more than anything else. No, they aren’t zits or clothing or even grades…they are your friends. All through high school and college you have to be in the right social circles. In high school you have the jocks, cheerleaders, preps, party goers, nerds, etc. In most colleges there are fraternities and sororities that everyone wants to be a part of. While social status may be the important factor in the world today, that doesn’t mean you should snub those considered “lower” than you. When you ignore others, you are showing that you don’t care about them. Less and less people will like you because of your harsh actions. Proverbs says that, “A man who has friends must show himself friendly.” When you are nice to everyone, God’s grace shines through you and you become a friend of all of the groups at your school or work. Go out of your way today to be kind. See the rewards that God will grant you when you treat everyone the way you would like to be treated.
That just spoke to me and told me that i shouldn't care about all these cliques and stuff, i need to put myself out there...
Saturday, September 29, 2007
update finally!
heyy everyone. it feels like its been years since ive blogged last! i guess facebook kinda took me over.. it just seems so convienient and fast. oh well. blogs are fun too! so anyways, the past few weeks have been rough ones but God was truely been by my side and he's been my best friend. God has shown me some pretty awesome people in my life and they have benn really supportive. things have been moving along though...
Destiny's court date seems closer and closer each day. but i feel really calm about it. but even though i feel really calm about it i have to remember that i need to pray about the whole situation.
well there doesn't seem much to talk about but i guess its cause i've talked to you guys for the most part. well unfortunatly i didn't come to youth cause i had to babysit but at least we came for the visit which was nice. haha destony did not want to leave nathan. oh well... ttyl....
Destiny's court date seems closer and closer each day. but i feel really calm about it. but even though i feel really calm about it i have to remember that i need to pray about the whole situation.
well there doesn't seem much to talk about but i guess its cause i've talked to you guys for the most part. well unfortunatly i didn't come to youth cause i had to babysit but at least we came for the visit which was nice. haha destony did not want to leave nathan. oh well... ttyl....
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
hi guys, God has been revealing himself even more to me still. he has put people on my mind that i need to pray for. There is a guy that i know that usually is sorta mean to people. In the past few days i've really been gettin to know him better. Hes having a super hard time right now and hes very depressed and his family is not very supportive... he really needs our prayers.
help me to show your love to this guy
heal his hurting heart and
keep him dafe in the shelter of
you wings
i pray that you would work in
his life, he knows you father
help me to show him how real you are
help me to show your love to this guy
heal his hurting heart and
keep him dafe in the shelter of
you wings
i pray that you would work in
his life, he knows you father
help me to show him how real you are
Sunday, September 16, 2007
these past few weeks God has been revealing himself more and more to me. His presence is so strong. I've been reading John and there are a lot of Jesus' miracles in that book. God blessed me in so many ways since i've started reading John, like helping me find my band hoodie and helping my family and so many other things. and the blessings aren't luck, they are purely from God. heres a song ive been thinking about...
We who were called to be Your people
Struggling sinners and thieves
We’re lifted up from the ashes
And out came the song of the redeemed
The song of the redeemed
The song of the redeemed
Can you hear the sound of melodies
Oh, the sound of melodies
Rising up to You
Rising up to You, God
The sound of melodies
Oh, the sound of melodies
Rising up to You
Rising up to You, God
We have caught a revelation
That nothing can separate us from
The love we received through salvation
It fills your daughters and your sons
Your daughters and your sons
The sound of Your love
The sound of Your love
Is what You’re hearing
The sound of Your sons
The sound of Your sons
You’ve won Your children
The sound of Your love
The sound of Your love
Is what You’re hearing
Your daughters in love
Your daughters in love
You’ve won your children
The sound of melodies
Oh, the sound of melodies
Rising up to You
Rising up to You, God
We who were called to be Your people
Struggling sinners and thieves
We’re lifted up from the ashes
And out came the song of the redeemed
The song of the redeemed
The song of the redeemed
Can you hear the sound of melodies
Oh, the sound of melodies
Rising up to You
Rising up to You, God
The sound of melodies
Oh, the sound of melodies
Rising up to You
Rising up to You, God
We have caught a revelation
That nothing can separate us from
The love we received through salvation
It fills your daughters and your sons
Your daughters and your sons
The sound of Your love
The sound of Your love
Is what You’re hearing
The sound of Your sons
The sound of Your sons
You’ve won Your children
The sound of Your love
The sound of Your love
Is what You’re hearing
Your daughters in love
Your daughters in love
You’ve won your children
The sound of melodies
Oh, the sound of melodies
Rising up to You
Rising up to You, God
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Picture day
today is picture day at school. yay.... not. well actually i don't mind getting my picture taken. but anyways, more to the topic of school. well last weeks was my first week, if u can call 3 days a week. hahaah... it was sooo much fun. im so glad to be back at school. i missed all my friends so much and it was great to get my brain working again from the pile of mush it turned into during the summer. oh and next week i start piano up again, i am VERY excited about this.
but something usually happens to me during the year and it has happened already. i am one of those people who are involoved in everything. i want to be busy. but God showed me during mexico that i have to have time for him. Last week I signed up for the musical that we are putting on at our school. I have to audition on Wednesday. I was pretty pumped. But last night my mom and i looked at all the prctive times and it is crazy! so i thought about it and decided that my school work would probably suffer if I went in the musical and also my social life with God would go down the hole. so im not doing it anymore. yes i was disapointed but there will always be other musicals and plays and more that i can be involved in. But its almost 8:00, almost time for school...
but something usually happens to me during the year and it has happened already. i am one of those people who are involoved in everything. i want to be busy. but God showed me during mexico that i have to have time for him. Last week I signed up for the musical that we are putting on at our school. I have to audition on Wednesday. I was pretty pumped. But last night my mom and i looked at all the prctive times and it is crazy! so i thought about it and decided that my school work would probably suffer if I went in the musical and also my social life with God would go down the hole. so im not doing it anymore. yes i was disapointed but there will always be other musicals and plays and more that i can be involved in. But its almost 8:00, almost time for school...
Sunday, August 26, 2007
school? already???
this week the buzz has been all about school. why shouldn't it be? its a shock to think that we will go back to school on Wednesday. Although im quite happy because im ready to get my brain going again and get into the rutine of things again.
well not much has been happining in my life this past week. oh i got facebook, which is why i haven't been blogging much. im still not very good at the whole posting pictures thing, but i do have some pictures of leon and i posted. anyways, enough about facebook.
Kent came into town as well, our "crew" as he likes to call it, went to Timmys. we had so much fun and some of his other friends came too. it was sad to see him leave but it was really nice to see him. and its not like he's gone forever!
today me and katelynn and steph hung out. hahahaha we took some pretty ridiculous pictures of ourselves...lol
well hopefully my blogging will be more frequent than last year during school..lol
well not much has been happining in my life this past week. oh i got facebook, which is why i haven't been blogging much. im still not very good at the whole posting pictures thing, but i do have some pictures of leon and i posted. anyways, enough about facebook.
Kent came into town as well, our "crew" as he likes to call it, went to Timmys. we had so much fun and some of his other friends came too. it was sad to see him leave but it was really nice to see him. and its not like he's gone forever!
today me and katelynn and steph hung out. hahahaha we took some pretty ridiculous pictures of ourselves...lol
well hopefully my blogging will be more frequent than last year during school..lol
Friday, August 17, 2007
just thinkin...

right now im in a bit of a spiritual slump. at the beggining of the summer i was doing really well with devotions and praying and stuff. but when i got a job and stuff, i forgot about Him. it makes me angry to think that i would forget about someone so important and special to my heart, it would be like forgetting my birthday or something. but anyways i feel very empty and im sure most of you can relate to this feeling. even when i was doing my devotions it was like, okay read this one chapter and ur done and go to bed. Sometimes it wasn't like that, sometimes i would read more and be really interested. but im not feeling close to Him.
This morning my mom talked to me about God. Usually im like oh no, here she goes again. but this morning i was really listning to her and wanting to hear what she had to say. She talked about my purpose in life and how i have to listen to God and do his work. My purpose is to lead others to christ, this is our purpose. She gave me an image. She said, imagine you are in Disneyland and you are so happy and having fun, then theres this glass wall that comes down. You are on one side of it with other people, and others are on the opposite side. On your side there are all the believers, on the other are the people that God placed in your path to help lead to Christ but you never took the time. I don't want to go to heaven and look down at all the people i could've helped lead to Christ.
God has put a fire in my heart this morning to do his work. I feel like he is calling me. I don't know what he wants me to do but i know that it will bring me closer to him. Unfortunatly, when you start getting closer to God, Satan attacks you. There is a battle for each of our hearts and it is hard when Satan tempts you with the easy way out, but really its not so easy. Heaven will be great, the greatest thing ever and our hearts belong to Christ. He is awesome and he loves us so much.
There this guy at work who i realllllllly don't like. hes sorta creepy and annoying. Lately i've felt bad feelings towards him. I'm usually not like that towards people but for some reason i felt that for him. My mom knows about this guy and she said remember that he is one of God's children, whether he believes or not. He belongs to God and He loves this guy as much as you or any of us. Jesus says for us to be loving to those who don't love us. So now im going to take a bit of a different attitude towards this guy, because he is one of God's children.
I have to go for now, my bible and prayer journal are calling me...
This morning my mom talked to me about God. Usually im like oh no, here she goes again. but this morning i was really listning to her and wanting to hear what she had to say. She talked about my purpose in life and how i have to listen to God and do his work. My purpose is to lead others to christ, this is our purpose. She gave me an image. She said, imagine you are in Disneyland and you are so happy and having fun, then theres this glass wall that comes down. You are on one side of it with other people, and others are on the opposite side. On your side there are all the believers, on the other are the people that God placed in your path to help lead to Christ but you never took the time. I don't want to go to heaven and look down at all the people i could've helped lead to Christ.
God has put a fire in my heart this morning to do his work. I feel like he is calling me. I don't know what he wants me to do but i know that it will bring me closer to him. Unfortunatly, when you start getting closer to God, Satan attacks you. There is a battle for each of our hearts and it is hard when Satan tempts you with the easy way out, but really its not so easy. Heaven will be great, the greatest thing ever and our hearts belong to Christ. He is awesome and he loves us so much.
There this guy at work who i realllllllly don't like. hes sorta creepy and annoying. Lately i've felt bad feelings towards him. I'm usually not like that towards people but for some reason i felt that for him. My mom knows about this guy and she said remember that he is one of God's children, whether he believes or not. He belongs to God and He loves this guy as much as you or any of us. Jesus says for us to be loving to those who don't love us. So now im going to take a bit of a different attitude towards this guy, because he is one of God's children.
I have to go for now, my bible and prayer journal are calling me...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
court #2 continued...
so there was another court date on the 14th and nothing happend again! man its so hard to deal with this cause you have no clue what will happen. so now we have her for sure untilnovember something. on november 12th we will have had Destiny for a year. well i haven't posted in awhile but there hasn't been much to write about. lifes been pretty boring although erin came over the other day and we madesome REALLLY good brownies, but of course the batter always tastes better! and the baby shower was a lot of fun..lol especially tha baking part. leon and i and brennen made cookies...lol its was pretty fun. i basically made the cookies and the stole the cookie dough balls off of the trays. lol that was all good for them until i found a wooden spatula to hit them with..hah! but yeah. so i really want to get together with a bunch of people before school starts cause i miss everyone so keep your eyes peeled for an email from me! well i guess i shouldgo help my mom with supper. luv u all!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Yesterday Leon and I went to the Nickelback concert at the Ex. It was totally awesome. Im not a huge fan of Nickelback but they put on a really good show. And surprisingly having beer thrown at me by Chad Kroeger isn't that fun. But i had a lot of fun. There was fire and fireworks and the music was super loud. oh did i mention i had floor tickets? It was soo squishy. There were like 500 people all crammed on the floor. It was so crowded but I was enjoying myself. It was really hot though and I hate being hot in a crowd. But anyways, so this badn called State of Shock played first and they were okay. They didn't get the crowd going very much, i wasn't a big fan. Then Yellowcard played and they were much better. I've heard someof their music on my snowboarding video game. At least they were more professional. But then we had to wait like 30 minutes so they could change the set for Nickelback. It was sooo big! Leon and i were really near the front so we could see the band really well. Unfortunatly theres always the drinkers but for the most part people just wanted to enjoy the show. They sounded extremly good live. And im going to the ex on Saturday probably, and im going on all the rides!!! well maybe not the merry go round and the sling shot. I already tried to get leon to go on that with me but he said he got sick just looking at it! but now i must study...
Thursday, August 02, 2007
hi guys. sorry to keep u all waiting in suspense about the court date. Like we all suspected the judge said that everyone needed more time so theres another court date booked for like the 14th or something. So yeah. that one may or may not decide something major. the judge could say the same thing and just give everyone more time. thanks for praying for us guys!
Monday, July 30, 2007
embarrassing moment # bazillion
so as u are probably guessing i had another embarrasing moment. this time it was at work... just listen..
so im all happy cause work is going well and my boss asks me if can set up the new pop display and fill all the pop holders. i hate filling pop holders cause they are slanted and so annoying. but yeah, so my boss drags this huge thing of two litre pops that i have to put out and its covered in this hard saran wrap type stuff. so, being me, i start hacking at it with my dull exacto knife. i accidently slip and....
chop my finger off!!!
no it hits one of the two litres and in a split second i hear a fizz and im wet. yes the pop decided to explode all over my uniform. i ended up having to go 5 more hours wet, sticky, and smelling like diet coke.. yumm... thats my story
p.s. please pray for our family and destiny tomorrow. its her court date. nothing may happen though. we have no clue. thanks
oh and also two litre pops at my work (the store brand) are on for $0.89 each.. lol
so im all happy cause work is going well and my boss asks me if can set up the new pop display and fill all the pop holders. i hate filling pop holders cause they are slanted and so annoying. but yeah, so my boss drags this huge thing of two litre pops that i have to put out and its covered in this hard saran wrap type stuff. so, being me, i start hacking at it with my dull exacto knife. i accidently slip and....
chop my finger off!!!
no it hits one of the two litres and in a split second i hear a fizz and im wet. yes the pop decided to explode all over my uniform. i ended up having to go 5 more hours wet, sticky, and smelling like diet coke.. yumm... thats my story
p.s. please pray for our family and destiny tomorrow. its her court date. nothing may happen though. we have no clue. thanks
oh and also two litre pops at my work (the store brand) are on for $0.89 each.. lol
Sunday, July 29, 2007
hi guys, yeah its definatly been awhile! life has been busy as usual... but its been nice. God has answered my prayers yet again. as most of u know i was struggling with deciding whether to work or not. the next day after i posted that prayer request, my mom sat me down and talked to me about work. i told her that i realllllly wanted a car and how was i supposed to get one without a job??? well... she said that i could use the family car, the van.. and when i learned to drive a standard i could drive dad's car. so that solved that. but also i wanted money to spend and what not as well. but God told me that he would provide and that after coming home from mexico he had told me that i needed time to listen to him and to spend time with him. so how was i supposed to have a job, do piano, guitar and all my other stuff and spend time with God. I don't wante to fit God in, i want to buil everything around my time with him.
anyways, so that is that.
this morning before work i was reading my devotions on the internet and one stuck out for me. here is the verse...
Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained. Philippians 3:13-15 (NIV)
what this verse is talking about is that it doesn't matter what kind of past you have had. God loves you and will forgive you. He gave his only son up so that we could live life to the fullest. He doesn't want us to sit around at think about all the bad things we've done. He wants us to live.
well i better go for now, work is calling my name unfortunatly. talk to you all soon!
anyways, so that is that.
this morning before work i was reading my devotions on the internet and one stuck out for me. here is the verse...
Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained. Philippians 3:13-15 (NIV)
what this verse is talking about is that it doesn't matter what kind of past you have had. God loves you and will forgive you. He gave his only son up so that we could live life to the fullest. He doesn't want us to sit around at think about all the bad things we've done. He wants us to live.
well i better go for now, work is calling my name unfortunatly. talk to you all soon!
Friday, July 20, 2007
well Destiny is my little foster sister as most of you know. shes a sweetheart and is a big part of my life now. i've been thinking about her a lot and its funny how this little person can come into your life and you can bond with them and fall in love with them so easily. at first when she came into my life i wasn't sure about having a baby around, there would be no more late night driving for my parents and things were going to be a little more busy. but i have gotton used to it by now and it would feel weird for her not to be around. sure its a little annoying when shes screaming at the dog because she won't lick her hand at 5:00 am...
anyways, the reason im talking about her is because her court date is conming up. there is a 50% chance that the court may just give us another date because everyone might not be ready or they could get right into it and say that shes either going to stay with us or going to another family for adoption.
i never really thought of the possibility of Destiny ever leaving us but it has hit me hard the past few days that she might not be waking me up at 5:00 am every morning, sticking her sticky fingers through my hair...
even though we aren't blood related i can't help not loving her like my sister. i hope that she gets to stay with us but i don't want to be selfish. i know that God has her in his hands and that he will take care of her wherever she goes. can you guys please pray for Destiny and our family.
hope everyones haveing a good summer.
anyways, the reason im talking about her is because her court date is conming up. there is a 50% chance that the court may just give us another date because everyone might not be ready or they could get right into it and say that shes either going to stay with us or going to another family for adoption.
i never really thought of the possibility of Destiny ever leaving us but it has hit me hard the past few days that she might not be waking me up at 5:00 am every morning, sticking her sticky fingers through my hair...
even though we aren't blood related i can't help not loving her like my sister. i hope that she gets to stay with us but i don't want to be selfish. i know that God has her in his hands and that he will take care of her wherever she goes. can you guys please pray for Destiny and our family.
hope everyones haveing a good summer.
Monday, July 09, 2007
well the retreat is not a "yes" for me. and why i can not go is because of two things. One is work. i don't work the Friday but i do work on the Saturday in the early morning. I also have to be at the church by about 7:30 on Sunday and i think having to get up that early have been at work the previous day is going to be hard enough but i think that the reatreat would tire me out even more! it sucks that i can't come though because i wasn't able to go on the winter one either, so i've missed out on two in a row. and the reatreat was my only "camping" for the summer. oh well, i guess theres always next winter and summer. So what have all u guys been up to. I asked my boss for less shifts so i can actually have a life outside of work... because i do! but yeah... other than that nothing much else is happening. hopefully ill talk to some of u soon! congrats on the job enji...lol
Saturday, June 30, 2007
my new job

hi everyone! well ive been busy lately so bloging hasn't been happening but working definatly has been happening! i've been so tired though. my job is basically stocking anything in the grocery part and the freezer. it may sound simple,and it is but its hard work cause its lifting heavy stuff. if u guys don't have any plans this summer then come get a job with me!! (cough erin) everyone is super nice there and im really enjoying myself. at least im getting a good workout!
and i can't come on the retreat because (actually leon and i) are working at VBS during the morning of the 13th and the morning of the 15th. i really wanted to go this time since i didn't get to go to the winter retreat. but i don't think it's gunna work out. but yeah...
update ur blogs guys!! i know u have nothing to write about steph but that doesn't matter! well i better go. see you guys at church tomorrow!!! ugg i have to work from 1 till 10 today, so im not gunna be able to chill today!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
one year
hi everyone! wow i haven't posted for awhile. Well yesterday was my one year with leon. i couldn't believe it. Definalty doesn't seem that long. it just seemslike a few months ago he asked me out. haha, anwyays... Today is my first day at work. yay..lol pray that i won't screw anything up please! hahah well i've got to go. summer is finally here for me!!!!todays my last final, science... it shouldn't be too hard. Hopefully see you all soon!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
i never heard back from the guy at Sobey's. but it sounded as if he would call me either way. maybe he forgot?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
well i just posted but i need you guys to pray that i would get this job at Sobey's. i had my interview yesterday and he is phoning me today. thank you!
la ti dah...
the end of school is approaching most of us...
finals are starting, summer vacations are beggining...
things are winding down and plans are forming...
but this is all good. summer is so nice, its so realxing and amazing cause the sun is out and the birdies are singing.. and also waking us up at 5:00 am..lol steph.. (nature woke us up!) and i love looking at all the beautiful things God has created for us to look at and take in. Yesterday Leon and I went for a walk. we didn't know where we were going, we just walked. We walked towards my school and then came upon the forestry farm. We decided to take a walk through there because Leon had never been.. (can u believe that?!) and yeah, so we walked though there and Leon and I came upon the white tigers. They came right up to the glass and looked at us. it was truely amazing. And leon was just in awe...lol i realized how God has made such beautiful creatures in this world. Hes done it all for us. He gave his LIFE for US...
that is the amazing thing. now im having one of those moments where its like a train hit me and i realize that God died for us and he loves us so much. God's cool...
finals are starting, summer vacations are beggining...
things are winding down and plans are forming...
but this is all good. summer is so nice, its so realxing and amazing cause the sun is out and the birdies are singing.. and also waking us up at 5:00 am..lol steph.. (nature woke us up!) and i love looking at all the beautiful things God has created for us to look at and take in. Yesterday Leon and I went for a walk. we didn't know where we were going, we just walked. We walked towards my school and then came upon the forestry farm. We decided to take a walk through there because Leon had never been.. (can u believe that?!) and yeah, so we walked though there and Leon and I came upon the white tigers. They came right up to the glass and looked at us. it was truely amazing. And leon was just in awe...lol i realized how God has made such beautiful creatures in this world. Hes done it all for us. He gave his LIFE for US...
that is the amazing thing. now im having one of those moments where its like a train hit me and i realize that God died for us and he loves us so much. God's cool...
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

hmmm... i was thinking about the sermon on singleness with pastor chet. It was really interesting to me. at first i was like ohhh brother, why do i need to listen to this? im not single... plus i've heard talks about being single anyways. But then he started to talk about what our family can do for singles. We can take them under our wing and be their family. We can take them out with us and let them be part of our family. I realized that I can do that with some of my friends who are single. I don't have to feel like they are a third wheel, unless i make them feel like that. They can just be hanging out with me and leon. steph, leon and i sorta did that last summer. We hung out almost everyday and it was fun, not akward. anyways...
well congrats to Katelynn and Keith, who are officially going out! awww u guys are cute. keith had on a shirt that said Katelynn, will u go out with me? and then he gave her a rose and asked her. it was adorable.
Oh can u guys please pray for leon cause he has been having stomach problems for the last three weeks and he is in a lot of pain. Please pray that God would heal him. Thanks guys. Love you all...
Friday, June 08, 2007
random thoughts...
its just another day...
im bored..
at school....
well lifes goin pretty good for me.. (goot..lol steph) im still feeling so far away from Him. After hearing how God was working in all of your lives at bible study last night, it made me sad. i realized how nice it is to have a relationship with him. God gave me strength last night so that i could stay up and write in my prayer journal. Those things are truely amazing. I love journaling but this is ridiculously amazing. God is amazing, i know that. He changed my life but how come i can't feel him, how come it doesn't feel like he is there. There are so many questions running through my head. Something that has really hit me hard lately is that God loves me. God loves everyone, equally. It blows my mind knowing that he loves me the same as a person who has murdered somebody. he loves all of us no matter what we've done. God has so much love, God is love...
im bored..
at school....
well lifes goin pretty good for me.. (goot..lol steph) im still feeling so far away from Him. After hearing how God was working in all of your lives at bible study last night, it made me sad. i realized how nice it is to have a relationship with him. God gave me strength last night so that i could stay up and write in my prayer journal. Those things are truely amazing. I love journaling but this is ridiculously amazing. God is amazing, i know that. He changed my life but how come i can't feel him, how come it doesn't feel like he is there. There are so many questions running through my head. Something that has really hit me hard lately is that God loves me. God loves everyone, equally. It blows my mind knowing that he loves me the same as a person who has murdered somebody. he loves all of us no matter what we've done. God has so much love, God is love...
Thursday, June 07, 2007
at school...
im at school, again. i don't know why im typing in orange, i hate orange... i don't really like oranges or orange juice. oh well. nothing really interesti. nothing really interesting happening these days. oh today our school went into a peremiter lock down. apparently someone saw some person with a gun. but it was actually a construction worker with a paint thinger that had a trigger on it. hahahah, wow thats about as interesting as it gets. well how are all of your guys' weeks going?? this week seems to be flying by.... i haven't been doing anything excpet homework. oh and now im worrying again... i get my history mark back next week.... u.gggg i hope i don't fail cause if i do, i have to pay for lessons and they are SO expensive.... so pray that i pass guys. anyways..... what else.. nothing. theres nothing to write about. grr im so bored. im supposed to be working on an English project about herbicides on grass.. WOOHOOOO!!!! yeah im gunna go look at pictures of grass now...
Monday, June 04, 2007
just another day...
im sitting here writing, or typing i guess, to all u guys while watching rent...which i got for my birthday. its not bad, but theres sooo much singing. luckily i know one of the songs from choir.. so i can sing along, although leon gets annoyed... oh well who cares, hes asleep anyways..hahah he was supposed to be watching it with me but he fell asleep and i moved to the computer. yay me...lol oh well. oh i guess i should tell y'all wat i got for my birthday.. ummm some shorts, and an i pod... rent, and flip flops from walmart... i got a pretty good tasting cake too.. yummmy! anyways, well i don't have much to say but im so bored that i thought that id post. Oh me and katelynn are making medieval food tomorrow. its gunna be funny. We are doing medieval cookery for our final project in history. hopefully we are gunna get a good mark. hmm well not much else to say... hope u all have a goood week.. opps..too many o's in good..lol....
Saturday, June 02, 2007
last day....
well its my last day of being 15. lol no this is not what this post it gunna be about. im not sure what this post is going to be about. Im bored right now and i felt like writing. have you guys ever had one of those weekends where you have soomuch stuff to do but you don't really want to do it and you don't know where to start. yeah, thats me. but i can look forward to my birthday dinner tomorrow! yummy.. ribs and ceaser salad! my favourite. my other options were sushi, or homemade southern fried chicken. my mom makes some good stuff but i love ribs. me and nathan usually have ribs on our birthdays and dad usually has the chicken.

Topic change..

Well i have to find a job for the summer and i thought that i was getting a job babysitting everyday from 8-12, but it turns out the lady doesn't need me anymore. So now i have to go into the real world and fill out application forms. I have one from sobeys. I know some people who work there, it doesn't seem too bad. Plus its close to home so i can get there quickly. I also was thinking of applying at the new Boston Pizza but i just can't see myself being a waitress, i go wayyyyy too fast. i think that working at Starbucks would do me better! but then again Starbucks is my coffee place and apparently "you don't want to ruin it for yourself" Leon says.. oh well i guess he's right, look at him. hes a vegitarian working at KFC. Clothing stores don't reallly appeal to me... i dunno...
Another new topic.. ive been up since 5:40 am. haha funny story... well im sick and my dad came home with some sinus nightime pills for me and my mom told me to take one about 8:30. I did and i asked her if it would make me drowsy. she said maybe a little. Leon came over at 9 and we were just talking and all of a sudden it was like this wave of sleepiness came over me. And i just started to close my eyes. Leons like Gracie its time for bed. So i ended up going to bed at 10:00. i don't sleep much and i woke up at 5:40am. Thats my story, i hoped u liked it... i didn't..lol
oh i LOVE the one way girls blog. awesome!!!!
well i better go i have a four page essay to write on medieval food, ohhh food, im hungry!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
well here i was thinking i would have so many things to write about mexico. and i can't even process this whole experience. when people ask me how it was all i can say was amazing! it was such a great experience that it just blows my mind. I don't know what words to use to describe it. One of the things that God taught me on this trip that i spoke about Sunday, was the power of patience and listning. Im so busy all the time and god really spoke to me when I listened to him and took time out of my day for him. I never thought that God talked to me but i know now that i was just not listning to him and making him important. Another thing that happened on this trip that was really fun was going to adult evangalism. This one night we went to a new neighborhood and about a dozen people gave their lives to God. That was truely amazing. Church on Wednesday night was sooo powerful. Even though we were worshiping in Spanish, it still touched my heart. I loved all the songs. God blessed all of us, i know it. I have become so much closer with him. But what do i do next? Amanda Bendel told us a few things that she recommended we do after the missions trip. One thing that im definatly going to do is continue my prayer journal. Other than that im sorta unsure. Anyone got any ideas???
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
band trip!

heyy guys, man i had soo much fun on the band trip. Here's how it went:
i woke up at 5:45, yeah im an early bird... showered and dressed and went to school. We packed up the bus and left for red Deer at about 7:30 ish. and yeahh so the bus ride there was fun. i mostly watched movies and listened to my iPod. I sat with Vicky (who plays trombone) and behind me were two grade 9 boys who were trying to flirt witgh me. they kept winking at me and then they would play with my hair and then they would slap their ties on my head.. not fun..... oh well. so the first thing we did was drive to an elementry school and perform there. it was sooo funny cause all the kids were pluging their ears...haha it was soooo loud. then we went to the hotel and checked in and stuff. For dinner I had chinese food at the mall and then we shopped for a bit which was sorta boring. The highlight was that some of the dumb grade 9 boys got escorted out of the mall by the security gaurds for shooting us with nerf guns..ahahahah... that was awesome. then we went back to the hotel and swam for a bit and then afterwards the party started. katelynn, Kayla and Caitlin and me were all in a room together. We all bought 10 dollers worth the junk food and ma was there a lot. There was red bull, starbucks frappacinos, chocolate, everything! then some of the guys came into our room and we listned to music and watched them dance really badly..haha yeah. then Kayla and I stayed up packing and ironing our shirts till 2:00 am..lol then we had to wake up at 6:15...uggg
i woke up at 5:45, yeah im an early bird... showered and dressed and went to school. We packed up the bus and left for red Deer at about 7:30 ish. and yeahh so the bus ride there was fun. i mostly watched movies and listened to my iPod. I sat with Vicky (who plays trombone) and behind me were two grade 9 boys who were trying to flirt witgh me. they kept winking at me and then they would play with my hair and then they would slap their ties on my head.. not fun..... oh well. so the first thing we did was drive to an elementry school and perform there. it was sooo funny cause all the kids were pluging their ears...haha it was soooo loud. then we went to the hotel and checked in and stuff. For dinner I had chinese food at the mall and then we shopped for a bit which was sorta boring. The highlight was that some of the dumb grade 9 boys got escorted out of the mall by the security gaurds for shooting us with nerf guns..ahahahah... that was awesome. then we went back to the hotel and swam for a bit and then afterwards the party started. katelynn, Kayla and Caitlin and me were all in a room together. We all bought 10 dollers worth the junk food and ma was there a lot. There was red bull, starbucks frappacinos, chocolate, everything! then some of the guys came into our room and we listned to music and watched them dance really badly..haha yeah. then Kayla and I stayed up packing and ironing our shirts till 2:00 am..lol then we had to wake up at 6:15...uggg
Well waking up wasn't too bad. I was the first one up and i just hopped out of bed and started washing my face and brushing our teeth. Then the other girls got up and we got some of the guys and we all walked down for some breakfast. It was kinda gross.. a crappy cup of coffee and a frozen cinomen bun... yay... oh well it wasn't too bad. at least it was food. anyways, then we all went back upstairs and the guys came into our room to hang out for a bit and then the teacher came and shes like you guys have to get ready!!!! and we were all still in our Pjs and so the guys went out.. lol all except for Mark and he was hiding in the window sill but then Mrs. Mortenson (teacher) looked for him and we heard him scream and run cus his leg got stuck in the window sill..hahaha yeah then we left and drove to the college and played fairly well. We had an adjudication and then sight reading. After that we listned to two bands and it was off on the road again. we had A and W for lunch and drove some more and like 2 hrs later we had dinner at Boston Pizza. I wasn't hungry at all so me and Adam shared some hot wings. Haha all the guys kept taking the sugar packets and eating them. Then we drove. I slept the whole way pretty much and yeahh.. then i got home and went straight to bed.
It was sooo much fun but soo exhausting. anyways, i got to go. love you all and I miss you. 2 DAYS!!!! (to mexico if ur wondering...) heeheeeeeee
Saturday, May 12, 2007
What is Faith?
FAITH--->seeking and knowing Jesus
FAITH-->complete confidence in a person or plan
FAITH-->believing iin something that we can't see our touch
Faith was the topic of discussion last night at youth. It was very interesting. Faith is something most Christians struggle with. It's so hard to trust God with everything, your life, your family, your friends, your future....
We all know that God loves us and he wants the best for us, so why is it so hard to give everything over to him?
because we like to control our life. most of us think that we don't need help from God, we can control our life. But really, we need God to control our lives. Without him we are hopeless. we need God to be our provider, we don't need to worry about anything. Faith is hard to have... but when you do, its amazing. One interesting thing said last night was a quote from the screwtape letters by C. S. Lewis (who is an amazing author by the way). it said that if a person who didn't have any faith when they are in a situation but still did the right thing (what God wants), that is what frusterates the demons the most. Anyways, i just thought that was cool.
FAITH-->complete confidence in a person or plan
FAITH-->believing iin something that we can't see our touch
Faith was the topic of discussion last night at youth. It was very interesting. Faith is something most Christians struggle with. It's so hard to trust God with everything, your life, your family, your friends, your future....
We all know that God loves us and he wants the best for us, so why is it so hard to give everything over to him?
because we like to control our life. most of us think that we don't need help from God, we can control our life. But really, we need God to control our lives. Without him we are hopeless. we need God to be our provider, we don't need to worry about anything. Faith is hard to have... but when you do, its amazing. One interesting thing said last night was a quote from the screwtape letters by C. S. Lewis (who is an amazing author by the way). it said that if a person who didn't have any faith when they are in a situation but still did the right thing (what God wants), that is what frusterates the demons the most. Anyways, i just thought that was cool.
Friday, May 11, 2007

well i think that last nights meeting was one of the most fun ones ever. the food was amazing!!! thanks sooo much lynn. and yeah the foot washing was really interesting and tickly too..lol but it made me feel very greedy and bad because i felt like someone was being a servant to me, id rather be the servant. i know God is going to use all of us in Mexico and it is going to be an experience that we will never forget. We willbe His servants. Last night's meeting made it all seem real to me. not like well mexico is coming and well yeah... its like WHOOOHOOO ITS MEXICO!!! lol im pumped for it and its going to be an awesome time, especially in terms of bonding with eachother. I think that its going to really be like we are all brother and sisters in Christ. I've got sooo much packing and whatnot to do and plus on Monday and Tuesday I'll be in Red Deer, AB (srry its Alboyta for me and steph..grr Steph and I) for a band trip. woot!! and that means late nights, and movies and food!!! hahah are plan is to bring popcorn and go to the front desk and ask them to pop it all for us.. yuppers.. well i got to go study some more. reallly nervous for my test but not toobad. i know God is gunna help me get through this and im just thinking of how good its gunna feel when its all over and done with. Anyways, i better go. Love you all!!!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
another embarassing story...
well on friday, i was opening my locker in the gym. my lockers one of the little ones on the bottom row. i bent over and swung my locker open and i like totally banged my nose realllllly hard on the edge. it really hurt! luckily nobody was there but i have a red bruise on my nose...lol yes that is my story...
Friday, May 04, 2007

<--- steamy Jack sparrow..haha steph that was for you!!!!!!!!!!
guess wat? the funniest thing just happened! there was a police man in my house, yes i know it doesn't sound that funny right now but just listen to my story. Well my mom walked in the house and our alarm went off. she forgot to key in the code to shut it off so the people at securtek tried to phone her to see if everything was okay...cept my mommy was on the phone. so they sent a police man over. so heres grace, standing by my back door with the baby and a police man walks into my house! and i was like uhhhhhh.. my mom says oh im sorry i was on the phone! and yeah so he asked her if everthing was okay and she was like yeah. then he said have a nice day and walked out! so yeah... the he came back again because i dropped my cell phone getting out of tanners car and he picked it up and gave it to me...lol so yeah... my family is super cool...
Monday, April 30, 2007
post 84!!!
haha guys this is random... its my 84th post...lol yeahh.. im at school again... and yeah, i got first on my duel piano thinger this morning with my teacher. i was pretty excited about that. but yeah got to go...
Monday, April 23, 2007
sicky poo....
im sick... as you could probably tell from my title. on saturday night my tummy started to hurt bad and then i started to puke...yuCK!!! yeah i decided that going to work was not the best option. so basically i stayed in bed the whole day. i thought i was better this morning but i got up and i almost fell down. im soo dizzy and my head hurts. later today i thought i was soo much better that after only eating a table spoon of plain rice i could eat some spaghetti. BAD IDEA!!!! i felt soooo sick after that. now my tummy still hurts so i took a gravol.. so im gunna be knocked out pretty soon.. woohoo.. i love gravol..lol yeah well when ur tummy hurts and you can't sleep, gravols the best. its like the toothfairy.. k i don't know where that came from..lol ooohhh guess wat!?!??! i killed 2 spiders today!! there were two big ones... haha the last time i showed my dad a spider to kill he told me that it was a sad excuse for a spider.. i guess my version of bug ins't so big.. haha.. yeah hopefully going to school tomorrow.. if i can't get up then im definatly not. that would be sorta hard to get to class when you can't see straight.. yeah. anyways... so yeah. i should go.. ugg i keep forgetting to do my prayer journal!!! haah i likehow enji (erin) calls them PJs!! lol thats amazing. but yeah i better go ita 10:41 already. love u all!!

Saturday, April 21, 2007
heyy girls.. i had my first day of work today. yes grace does work! well its not really a job. its at this place that has something to do with milk. all i can say is that im extremly tired and sore! standing on your feet for 6 and a half hours can hurt you!!! the job that i did was wash lids that were covered in this yucky orange goopy stuff. i was working with brynner.. a.k.a Bryn..lol and her sister and her friend. they've been their before. oh leon was there too. hes sooooo tired.. haha. met some interesting people there. Everyone was really nice there. anyways, i better go. i have to do my homework. i have to go to bed early tonight too! 9 am tomorrow morning.. woohooo
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
k, i just found outt this morning from one of the girls in the quartet im in that we are supposed to be playing a song that we aren't supposed to be playing. our teacher was supposed to switch the songs but i guess she didn't or they made a mistake.. this sucks... and its really close to when we have to perform too.. hopefully we can contact the festival and change our song.
Monday, April 16, 2007
wow again..
well aprils already half way through.. aren't i good at updating my blog?? yeah right! anyways, so at the end of this month is music festical and im scared... i have to perform 1 solo piece, 1 duet, 1 two piano duet and one woodwind quartet. do yeah, that should be interesting. i also have my theory exam coming up around finals and im thinking its super hard. History is NOT fun guys. composers are BORING!!! lol ugg i don't like school. its monday too which means piano and theory.... ohh theres a school dance coming up on thursday!! im excited.. anyways i better go!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
man i haven't posted in like forever. anyways, so im at school right now in the library.. supposed to be doing research but im not.. ohhh rebel!!! yeah sooo k random thing that happened today.. we all had an assembly today and it was actually pretty sweet. stereotrap (pretty sure they were at our church once) played. they were okay and then they did this whole presentation thinger on hero holiday or something and crime stoppers. yeah so anywho.... man im soo pumped for pankcake breakfast on friday!!! yay! and now im going to go cause im sooo scared that a teacher is gunna see im on my blog.. actually serious..
Saturday, March 24, 2007
gas station story
well i never told you guys my gas station story. on monday i think it was, i went to the gas station for the first time. and boy was i scared, although then i reaslized that i didn't have to do anything because it wasn't self serve. So anyways, my mom and i drive up to the station and drive around it for like 10 minutes because people keep stealing my spot, so finally i find an empty spot and i wait for the guy to come and serve me. but no one comes... we waited for about 15 minutes i think, then i looked up and the sign said self serve! so then i went around and waited in line and finally someone served us. the guy asked me 3 times if i wanted my tank filled all the way. haha then he asked me to drive to the front of the station to give me my mastercard (actually my moms) and i accidently took the wrong receipt. it was hilarious, i ended up being 20 minutes late for my theory class though. oh well, its boring anyways...
well last night was very umm interesting. I was sitting in the pitch black darkness of the hotel room in the bathroom because my mom and the baby was sleeping. apparently everytime i pressed a key it was waking my mom up. so i retreated to the bathroom. anyways i waited for 2 hours cause leon was supposed to go on msn and talk to me...but he didn't cause he and kent were walking to VHQ to my house and they took a different way and they were late. but yeah then i went to bed around 12:00. and i was sooo cold! i woke up at 5:00 am to the sound of a fire alarm, everyone was going down to the lobby, but no one could find the stairs, so i went down to the lobby in my pjs and apparently it was a flase alarm and some kids from a hockey team had pulled the alarm. then it went off again at 6:00.. but not for long. i went back to sleep and my auntie phone at like 7:45 and woke me up. i got up and went downstairs and talked with my auntie and uncle and my gramma and grandpa. now im sitting in my brothers room with him and the baby.. well i better go. ttyl...
well last night was very umm interesting. I was sitting in the pitch black darkness of the hotel room in the bathroom because my mom and the baby was sleeping. apparently everytime i pressed a key it was waking my mom up. so i retreated to the bathroom. anyways i waited for 2 hours cause leon was supposed to go on msn and talk to me...but he didn't cause he and kent were walking to VHQ to my house and they took a different way and they were late. but yeah then i went to bed around 12:00. and i was sooo cold! i woke up at 5:00 am to the sound of a fire alarm, everyone was going down to the lobby, but no one could find the stairs, so i went down to the lobby in my pjs and apparently it was a flase alarm and some kids from a hockey team had pulled the alarm. then it went off again at 6:00.. but not for long. i went back to sleep and my auntie phone at like 7:45 and woke me up. i got up and went downstairs and talked with my auntie and uncle and my gramma and grandpa. now im sitting in my brothers room with him and the baby.. well i better go. ttyl...
Friday, March 23, 2007
Red Deer
heyy guys.. im in red deer! woohoo.. yeahh anyways... well this morning i woke up at around 6ish and packed myself up into the car. Of course we had to turn around and come back home to grab a map..lol. the ride there wasn't too bad. it took us around 6 hours. we stopped a few times at some gas stations (luckily not too dirty!) and we went to subway for lunch. About 4 ish we arrived at the hotel. my mom and baby and i are sharing a room and the guys are in another. we went to a huge buffet for supper thats in the hotel. it was soooo good, there was roast beef, a huge salad bar with every kind of salad there, perogies, cabbage rolls, and potatoes.. ohhh and then there was dessert! all sorts of cheesecake and pies! it was sooo good. then nathan and i went back up to our rooms with the baby while my mom and dad finished their meals. we both put on our bathing suits and put baby in her new pink flowered bikini, its adorable on her. we all went to the pool and had a good swim and went in the hot tub. baby didn't really like the water, it was sorta cold. ive been pretty much just sitting, doing my prayer journal and watching tv for the last while. its been really nice though to have a break from everything and to hang out with my family. tomorrow im not really doing much cause the wedding is in the evening, so yeah. ill have to do my homework tomorrow cause obviously sunday is going to be a veryyyy busy day. Im really excited about this youth group coming and stuff, i think its gunna be a really good experience, especially for the worship band. oh and something special is also on sunday... leon and I will be going out for 9 months! wow thats a long time..ha. anyways.... well i better go. although im gunna be up for a long time cause im not even tired. hope u guys are having fun at youth (and in toronto)
Sunday, March 18, 2007
its so hard...

its so hard to remember to do these prayer journals. In the beggining i really enjoyed doing them (i still do) its just really hard to find time to do them. I guess thats Gods way of showing me that i have to put him first in my life. Like instead of talking on the phone at night for an extra 15 minutes, i should say bye and do my journal. i like doing my journal right before i go to bed so sometimes its hard to stay awake. but i find that when my prayer journal is the last thing i do, its sorta clears my mind and relaxs me and helps me focus on God. but yeah thats my rant about prayer journals.
mmm yesterday shannon and i hung out and played ps2 with nathan. it was really fun. then leon came over and we watched a movie called hunny. its was super good. lots of hip hop dancing, and really cool stuff. umm oh and we pigged out on chips...ha so much for my promise to eat healthy after the band trip. oh well..
this week is sorta busy but nice. i havemy last soccer practice tonight and my last game on tuesday. i think thats gunna be my last. i love soccer and all but id rather focus on other things like piano, things that im gunna probably persue. i dunno...hmmm ohh yeah still got to write my testimony for thursday...uggg
Saturday, March 17, 2007

heyy guys. sorry i haven't updated in awhile..busy as usual. well this morning i woke up at 7:30.. woot 5 hours of sleep!!! lol destiny has now discovered eletrical outlets. she tries to get the plastic covering off so that she can stick her fingers in the outlets. anyways... sooo yesterday (friday) leon wanted to spoil me for taking care of him all week while he has been hurting. hey, helping him up the stairs has been a good work out! anyways, so my daddy took us to midtown and we just walked around a little. then we went into west 49 and in the guys section there was this adorable hat ( a toot toot had) and leon thought it would look really good on me. so he bought it for me. then we looked around some more, and went to starbucks and shared a mocha frappacino..yummm!!! then he also bought me two shirts from below the belt. one is a billabong tank top and then this other yellow shirt thats really nice. then he bought himslel some running shoes. then we walked to my daddys office and we went home. haha i slept the whole way home. if ur wondering y i wasn't at youth its cause i was hanging out with leons family. we had sooo much fun, we went to mcnalley robinson and did some other stuff.. haha his brother is soo cute, he just never stops talking. love u guys!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
gaga nana mama

<--------haha this reminds me of something id say with katelynn...if ur wondering y that is my title, its because that is the sound i hear right now.. ibviously its coming from little destiny! aww shes so cute cept shes really teething now and shes grouchy..and not to mention insanely drooly. oh well. her fat little cheeks (and i didn't mean her butt.. man u guys have dirty minds...lol) make up for it. anyways... well today was fairly boring. be proud of me, i didn't leave my purse on the bus! yay for gracie. umm in first we wrote stuff about our dance workshop..blahhh! and then in second math, with katelynn and kayla.. woot and third band, which is really cold, i mean the room is freezing!!!! although im always cold, so is katie. hmmmm.. then lunch i had choir and me and katelynn had fun making up words and harmonies cause we weren't there for like a month cause of drivers... then in 4th i worked on a bunch of english things i needed to catch up on and me and katie read our beautiful, heartbreaking sonnet..lol then in 5th science!!! i love science!! i have a 95% average. yay. but yeah, we didn't blow anything up today, we froze a block of wood to a test tube thinger though..that was cool.. oh and we watched bill nye. yay!!! bill nye the science guy. so yeah then i went home and had chicken soup and salad and bread for dinner! yummmmm... oh katie i liked those pita thingers u brought for lunch. anyways, now im waiting for 9:00 to roll around so i can go to my soccer game. ugg ill be tired in the morning. but yeah, hows everyones prayer journals?? mines really good, i really like doing them.. well most of the time. can't wait for youth.. worship!!! ttyl... love u guys sooooo much!
Monday, March 05, 2007

guess what!? God is awesome. i was praying so hard last night that someone would give me my purse back and today, a girl in grade 9 came up to me and said i think u left ur purse on the bus and im like yeahh... and then she said well i have it. i was like ecstatic! i said thank you sooooooooo much!!!! i love u!! and she was all weirded out cause i like don't know her.. haha yeah.. im havin a good day. thanks for praying for me guys. today i danced the whole day. and man am i sore. but i had so much fun. we did about an hour and a half of salsa and i was partners with vicki and then we did an hour and a half of contemporary ballet which wasn't even closely related to ballet, i dunno it was weird but relaxing, and then i went to lunch and at a sub with vicki, she was pretty much with me the whole day and we had so much fun. and then after lunch my favorite class... hip hop, man that was awesome. this girl who was teaching us was amazing, man she was soo cool. and it made me miss dancing competitvely a lot. especially hip hop, it all sorta came back to me. but dance acamdemy is really nice and i am enjoying it soo much. well i hope u guys are doing okay. love u all. srry... love y'all!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
heyy.. k guys im really scared. i know i already told u about the whole purse thinger but im really scared that someones gunna follow me home or something, its really bothering me. Im on the verge of crying... im just paranoid, but they kn0w everything about me, my school, my age, what i look like, where i was born even my middle name. thats freaky.. i dunno.. thanks for praying. leons worried about me, he wants to like come ride the bus to school with me. but yeah g2g...
Saturday, March 03, 2007
oh where is my purse?!
heyy sweeties.. wow thats a new one. well i wanted to tell u guys that i losted my purse. on friday i went on the bus and left my purse on it when i got off. i immediatly phoned the bus station and they said i had to wait for the morning and phone back. So my mom phoned this morning and they didn't have a purse brought it. so we assume that somebody took it. my purse had everything in it; my cell, my drivers lisence, my debit card, social insurance card, health card, birth certificate, cash..and my phone..ugggg... so most of this morning has been spent getting those things replaced and applied for. please pray for me guys, im so scared cause some weirdo without a heart to give my stuff back has all this information about me and yeah im really scared...
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
bored and cleaning

heyy guys! well i guess i have some spare time.. *gasp* whats that?!? grace has spare time?!? lol yes i actually do right now. grr u know what i find annoying though? ive been sleeping through my alarm every morning this week! its dumb, i have it on really loud and im usually a really light sleeper, maybe thats changing. oh well. soo not much is happening inmy life right now. Mexico is getting to be more of a reality for me than a thing in the future. i recently took a test to see what my spiritual gifts are. Apparently my best spiritual gift is serving. I guess that is true. i love helping out doing random jobs like setting up that bulletin board for youth. that was fun! i also like listning to people and giving my opinion. anyways, what were ur guys like? hmmm wat else? well schools going okay cept for my history mark but that will go wayyyy up after that project me and katie are gunna do. man im excited for that big time! but yeah. im really thinking of getting a job. its so hard to afford things like going out for coffee and stuff and doing things for leon withought being like ahhhh i dunno if i have enough moohlah for that! so i dunno im thinking of regis, or a clothing store or like DQ.. dunno... somewhere close cause obviously id need a ride. Oh,well most of u know this but leon might be getting a job at star bucks! yummmmmmy. that means white chocolate mochas for katie. lol maybe she doesn;t need any caffine. hahaha but yeah. well i better go do something like vaccuume cause i don't want spiders in my room.
Monday, February 26, 2007
change.. is good?
heyy guys, do u all like my new changes to my blog?? gimme sum feedback.. i thought brown was a nice change from the black i had before. love y'all!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
VaLeNtInE's DaY

well, how was everyones valentine's day? mine was pretty good. im not a huge believer in it though, its just a rip off... anyways. leon bought me one red rose and a nice card..even if it was the one that came free with the flowers. All we pretty much did was order fish and chips, yes leon actually ate fish! We watched the illusionist which was good except the ending was crappy and rushed and thats about it. So it wasn't all fancy with chocolate and fancy pasta, but it was much better than that. Well ive been pretty packed this week, even with no school. Ugg school, i don't wanna go. Its been a really nice break, oh well its not over yet. today im hanging out with erin then tomorrow im spending the entire day with stephie poo!!! amn im excited. and yeah, then saturday i have a few chores to do and i have a hair appointement..yay!! and then sunday well, i dunno.. something.. then monday im having pj day at my house...its gunna be me and my mom and baby, oh and leon too i guess..lol yeah we are cool we hang out with my mom and have a fat/pj day..lol anyways, i better go. luv y'all.
Monday, February 12, 2007
woot i blogged!!!

<---- haha sopngebob is my hero!!
well i actually have some spare time today to do some blogging! its so nice being bored and not being at school. plus having absolutely no homework helps too. last night i had a blast at drop in. Actually the whole day was really nice. I got up and went to sunday school bright and early at 10:15..lol and we talked about the barenaked ladies concert that mike went to the other night. He bought a memory stick that has the whole live concert on it. We listened to some of it then got into half of the bible study lesson. Oh well, it was fun. Then it was tome for church and i sat with steph all by ourselves in the 2nd row..lol aren't we so cool! then after the service me, anthony, lynn and leon went out for a super yummy lunch at chianti. i was soooo hungry. And after we shared peanut butter pie. it was soooo good!! (goot..lol steph) After that we went back to tony and lynns and leon and i did our bible study and played video games. at 5:30 i got to the church for drop in and me, erin, jeff and leon sorta set things up. i had soo much fun. and leon did the anything for a coke. it was disgusting. he put jello in a cup and put layers of whip cream and veggies in it. They had to suck the jello through a straw and the eat the veggies after. uggg it makes me cringe. Then after drop in leon and i gave my parents a break and babysat destiny for them. shes so cute but shes got the flu so shes kinda fussy. but yeah, so not any major plans for this week. Rock climbing, sams b-day, hanging out with erin and steph. umm not really much for valentines day.. unless leon plans something and surprises me..*hint hint* jk jk actually i think valentines day is more of a "hallmark holiday." they just want to u to buy stuff so they can make more money. but yeah... oh and im having so much fun writing in my prayer journal for mexico. oh yeah, stpeh have u been writing in yours? im supposed to ask..lol its really nice to just write down prayers cause i can actually concentrate. cause i dunno about u guys but sometimes when i pray i just start thinking about something else and its like grace pay attention!!! prayer journaling helps me soo much. well i better get back to the real world..lol i love you guys. i hope ur having fun katelynn!!! oh and something gross happened yesterday, my housen smells really nasty cause my mom was boiling bottle nipples for the baby to clean them and she burnt them.. it smells soooo gross like burnt rubber.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
some stuff..lol

Well I did eventually pick my courses out. Obviously, seeing as they were due today. Anyways, im going to be going into math A and B 30, Psychology 30, history 20, english 20, band 20, dance 20, physics, chemistry and bio 30. oh and choir too. So i have a pretty full schedule for next year but i love being busy as you all know. But yeah, im also pretty excited for break. Even though it doesn't seem that long since we just had a break but hey im not complaining! But so far all i have planned is, one day doing something with erin, and another with shannon, going skiing with steph, dancing, and shopping with my mom.. ha im going to buy a super cheezy valentines card for leon.. maybe one that sings. lol more embarassment=more fun!... for me anyways! hopefully ill just have a day to myself to just chill and watever. Let me know what days u are all gunna be around so we can hang out.
Oh and as u know i am going to mexico. i was pretty excited about that. And im sooo glad that all u guys are coming too cause i think that would've been really sad if only one of us or w/e were going. So i hope that everything goes okay for u guys the rest of this week. Oh and steph i hope your shoulder gets better! Love you all...
p.s. katie i hope ur having fun tanning ur butt off in hawaii cause we are freezing here back at home. we miss you! oh and we all love u, cept me..lol jk jk
p.s.s. i loooove step up and i think we should watch it steph the day we go skiing.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
crushed dreams..
heyy guys, well this morning i woke up and decided to start picking my courses for grade 11. i knew my mom would have alot of input into what classes i would be taking. Anyways, i was having a nice conversation with my dad about what classes i was taking and then my mom comes down and asks mewhat i was doing. I told her and she looked at the sheet. she saw that i wanted to take bio 20, chemistry 20 and physics 20. She told me physics was hard and that why would i take all of the sciences. I just felt like she bursted my bubble, and that i wasn't good enough. I doubt that that was her intentions but it did make me feel that way. I guess after that i was a little bit snappy because of the way she made me feel. And now shes mad and im confused. She wants me to be a little girl still and she wants to pick my classes for me because she knows best but this is my life too. I need to make my own mistakes and figure out the hard way sometimes. Im not that little girl in the pretty pink party dress anymore.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
IM AT KATIE'S HOUSE!!! yay for me. anyways, so we are really hyper cause we are trying to make all these plans and omg its 11:30 cause I like have a sim at 12:00. oh well. keith answer your phone!!!! lol yah, so well i think wats happening is im going to go to the track and run with katie and then we are coming back here and then we are going to hang out!! whooo hooo!!! yeah so then leons coming over and hanging with the home girls..lol yeah anywyas, so me and katie had a hyper history party. it was aweomse, definalty stuffed our faces.. hahahahahah. yummmmy. there was cookies and chips and other yummy goodies..haha goodies, wat a dumb word. but yeah i better go cause i got a sim at 12:00. i lover you all!!!!
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