Saturday, March 24, 2007

gas station story

well i never told you guys my gas station story. on monday i think it was, i went to the gas station for the first time. and boy was i scared, although then i reaslized that i didn't have to do anything because it wasn't self serve. So anyways, my mom and i drive up to the station and drive around it for like 10 minutes because people keep stealing my spot, so finally i find an empty spot and i wait for the guy to come and serve me. but no one comes... we waited for about 15 minutes i think, then i looked up and the sign said self serve! so then i went around and waited in line and finally someone served us. the guy asked me 3 times if i wanted my tank filled all the way. haha then he asked me to drive to the front of the station to give me my mastercard (actually my moms) and i accidently took the wrong receipt. it was hilarious, i ended up being 20 minutes late for my theory class though. oh well, its boring anyways...
well last night was very umm interesting. I was sitting in the pitch black darkness of the hotel room in the bathroom because my mom and the baby was sleeping. apparently everytime i pressed a key it was waking my mom up. so i retreated to the bathroom. anyways i waited for 2 hours cause leon was supposed to go on msn and talk to me...but he didn't cause he and kent were walking to VHQ to my house and they took a different way and they were late. but yeah then i went to bed around 12:00. and i was sooo cold! i woke up at 5:00 am to the sound of a fire alarm, everyone was going down to the lobby, but no one could find the stairs, so i went down to the lobby in my pjs and apparently it was a flase alarm and some kids from a hockey team had pulled the alarm. then it went off again at 6:00.. but not for long. i went back to sleep and my auntie phone at like 7:45 and woke me up. i got up and went downstairs and talked with my auntie and uncle and my gramma and grandpa. now im sitting in my brothers room with him and the baby.. well i better go. ttyl...


katelynn said...

nice gas station story lol i haven't had to do it yet, and i'm not looking forward to it!! they scare me.
why was leon going to your house?? is he staying there or something? i'm confuzzled.
haha fire alamrs in time i was in a hotel and that happened. someone had burnt their toast!! lol thanks for keeping this updated so we can keep in touch!! miss ya ♥

LJE said...

gas stations will become less scary the more you go to them. Then someday if you get married, you'll have a husband to do all that for you except on rare occasions!