heyy guys. sorry i haven't updated in awhile..busy as usual. well this morning i woke up at 7:30.. woot 5 hours of sleep!!! lol destiny has now discovered eletrical outlets. she tries to get the plastic covering off so that she can stick her fingers in the outlets. anyways... sooo yesterday (friday) leon wanted to spoil me for taking care of him all week while he has been hurting. hey, helping him up the stairs has been a good work out! anyways, so my daddy took us to midtown and we just walked around a little. then we went into west 49 and in the guys section there was this adorable hat ( a toot toot had) and leon thought it would look really good on me. so he bought it for me. then we looked around some more, and went to starbucks and shared a mocha frappacino..yummm!!! then he also bought me two shirts from below the belt. one is a billabong tank top and then this other yellow shirt thats really nice. then he bought himslel some running shoes. then we walked to my daddys office and we went home. haha i slept the whole way home. if ur wondering y i wasn't at youth its cause i was hanging out with leons family. we had sooo much fun, we went to mcnalley robinson and did some other stuff.. haha his brother is soo cute, he just never stops talking. love u guys!
lol thats great.. toot toot hahah yeah, wow those 30 hr famines... missed you friday nite hunn... wished you were there:D
hey why only 5 hours of sleep?? somebody was up late :P ditto what steph said, we missed you last night! i think the girls won...my team...haha maybe. ummm yeah talk to you tomorrow i guess
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