Monday, November 19, 2007

whats new?

i figured that i should update because a few people have come up to me and asked me how my slump has been going... haha.. well that "slump"only lasted that one night. after that i felt fine. i think i was just tired and stressed as most of us are at the end of the week. anyways, so to let you all know, i did pass my drivers exam. i only got 6 points off this time, not 38.. lol but driving has been so much fun. its so weird not having my mom in the passenger seat saying ohh kay thats a stop sign..haha.
this past weekend was very fun since i barely had any homework. on Friday I went to worship at 6:00 for youth and then we did our thing and it was much fun. and then after that i went home and did my piano practice and then steph came over and we talked on my couch for like 10 minutes and then kent calls and is like guys wanna do something? and we were so bored so we all went to pizza hut and said hi to leon and then went to Alexander's and ate some delicious nachos.. i am definatly going there again! so then steph came back to my house and we had a sleepover and we slept in like there was no tomorrow..haha and yeah then Saturday i can't really remember much of what happened.. i think... oh yeah i did homework and then i went to leons and watched a movie and then went to bed at like 10:00 ahah and then Sunday my lovely katleynn was baptized!! man am i ever proud of you! and then i got to go out for a fancy lunch at the bessborough.. leon paid for that one and can i tell you that i felt like the most biggest princess ever? haha it was so much fun and then i went home and watched the last bit of the football game with my mom and yeah that was my weekend...i love weekends....

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