hi everyone! well ive been busy lately so bloging hasn't been happening but working definatly has been happening! i've been so tired though. my job is basically stocking anything in the grocery part and the freezer. it may sound simple,and it is but its hard work cause its lifting heavy stuff. if u guys don't have any plans this summer then come get a job with me!! (cough erin) everyone is super nice there and im really enjoying myself. at least im getting a good workout!
and i can't come on the retreat because (actually leon and i) are working at VBS during the morning of the 13th and the morning of the 15th. i really wanted to go this time since i didn't get to go to the winter retreat. but i don't think it's gunna work out. but yeah...
update ur blogs guys!! i know u have nothing to write about steph but that doesn't matter! well i better go. see you guys at church tomorrow!!! ugg i have to work from 1 till 10 today, so im not gunna be able to chill today!
hey gracie lou this is katie and steph!!! well we just wanted to say that you (and leon, too) could STILL come on the retreat!! because on the 13th we leave in the evening, and now the retreat is only one night, so we come back saturday evening!!! so you can come!!! please come...we want you to...pretty please?? with a cherry on top???
ditto, retreats are the best. i mean, if its just not going to work we understand... but you should come...:)
i might have to work....
GAH work is stupid take it off :P
i can't....
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