hmmm... i was thinking about the sermon on singleness with pastor chet. It was really interesting to me. at first i was like ohhh brother, why do i need to listen to this? im not single... plus i've heard talks about being single anyways. But then he started to talk about what our family can do for singles. We can take them under our wing and be their family. We can take them out with us and let them be part of our family. I realized that I can do that with some of my friends who are single. I don't have to feel like they are a third wheel, unless i make them feel like that. They can just be hanging out with me and leon. steph, leon and i sorta did that last summer. We hung out almost everyday and it was fun, not akward. anyways...
well congrats to Katelynn and Keith, who are officially going out! awww u guys are cute. keith had on a shirt that said Katelynn, will u go out with me? and then he gave her a rose and asked her. it was adorable.
Oh can u guys please pray for leon cause he has been having stomach problems for the last three weeks and he is in a lot of pain. Please pray that God would heal him. Thanks guys. Love you all...
aww, i think i just about cried reading the thing about katie and ketih!! that's sooooo sweet!! YAY!
i will be praying for Leon
lol yeah the summer was great! not akward at all.. anyhoo yeah i'll pray for him... love yas hun
yeah praying for leon of course...have been since yesterday. thank him again for the ice cream! haha yeah let's just tell everyone my cute little story...haha he gave me that shirt and it smells like him and i like it lol ...not sure if i want to wear it in public though...
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