Monday, December 03, 2007


i give up.
sometimes i wonder why it think i can even try.
why should i try to fight it?
why do i think i can win this fight?
i'm always goin to be the loser in this one...

cause my God is going to win this one

i always seem to fight what he want's for me
but in the end i always wish i should've trusted him
casue in the end my way always ends up
just hurting me
i wish that i had a time machine that could take me back
even just a few weeks ago
and things would be so much different...

why do i trust my heart?
why do i think my way is always right?
why do i resist his love and help?...

God you are there for me always
i know you are here right now as i type this
please just take me in you heart again
in your heart is the only place
this mixed up little girl can fit into
take me back please
i want to be safe from this world
your all i want and i need you so badly
you are everthing
just plain everything...

nothing could be better than having you in my life again
you are more than enough for me
i don't need boys, money, or even a car to satisfy me
you can overflow my heart more than anyone in this world
your love is so deep and its the only true kind of love
people always tell me that they love me
your the only one i can trust
you will never hurt me
you will always love me
you are my father and i
am you daughter...
and i thank you for that

God im asking you to take me back into your arms...
i am once again taking into my heart
letting you take control
i can't do this without you
you are my rock and my supporter
i have learned that i am absolutely
nothing and i am totally worthless
without you...
ive missed you

1 comment:

enji said...

the only reason i didn't comment is because i'm speechless. i feel like i could have written that so many times in the past couple months. love you!