Sunday, December 23, 2007

in victoria...

heyy guys. sorry i haven't talked to most of you lately. this morning it was raining but it was 5 degrees! so me, destiny, and my daddy went up mount doug (the mountain by my gramma and grandpas house). it was pretty wet and mucky but the smell of the trees and the rain is one of the best things in the world. its so quiet up there but if you listen really hard you can hear all the little birds and the wind whistling through the bushes. and the trees. wow, they kick our trees butts haha. they are so tall and old. and everything is green. oh well
on the other hand i am very homesick. i love saskatoon but even more than that i miss all you guys and my but ill be home soon enough, thursday to be exact. anyways i better go my dad wants to make the "plan" for today... haha
miss u all!

1 comment:

enji said...

i love B.C. it is sooo pretty!