heyy guys, man i had soo much fun on the band trip. Here's how it went:
i woke up at 5:45, yeah im an early bird... showered and dressed and went to school. We packed up the bus and left for red Deer at about 7:30 ish. and yeahh so the bus ride there was fun. i mostly watched movies and listened to my iPod. I sat with Vicky (who plays trombone) and behind me were two grade 9 boys who were trying to flirt witgh me. they kept winking at me and then they would play with my hair and then they would slap their ties on my head.. not fun..... oh well. so the first thing we did was drive to an elementry school and perform there. it was sooo funny cause all the kids were pluging their ears...haha it was soooo loud. then we went to the hotel and checked in and stuff. For dinner I had chinese food at the mall and then we shopped for a bit which was sorta boring. The highlight was that some of the dumb grade 9 boys got escorted out of the mall by the security gaurds for shooting us with nerf guns..ahahahah... that was awesome. then we went back to the hotel and swam for a bit and then afterwards the party started. katelynn, Kayla and Caitlin and me were all in a room together. We all bought 10 dollers worth the junk food and ma was there a lot. There was red bull, starbucks frappacinos, chocolate, everything! then some of the guys came into our room and we listned to music and watched them dance really badly..haha yeah. then Kayla and I stayed up packing and ironing our shirts till 2:00 am..lol then we had to wake up at 6:15...uggg
i woke up at 5:45, yeah im an early bird... showered and dressed and went to school. We packed up the bus and left for red Deer at about 7:30 ish. and yeahh so the bus ride there was fun. i mostly watched movies and listened to my iPod. I sat with Vicky (who plays trombone) and behind me were two grade 9 boys who were trying to flirt witgh me. they kept winking at me and then they would play with my hair and then they would slap their ties on my head.. not fun..... oh well. so the first thing we did was drive to an elementry school and perform there. it was sooo funny cause all the kids were pluging their ears...haha it was soooo loud. then we went to the hotel and checked in and stuff. For dinner I had chinese food at the mall and then we shopped for a bit which was sorta boring. The highlight was that some of the dumb grade 9 boys got escorted out of the mall by the security gaurds for shooting us with nerf guns..ahahahah... that was awesome. then we went back to the hotel and swam for a bit and then afterwards the party started. katelynn, Kayla and Caitlin and me were all in a room together. We all bought 10 dollers worth the junk food and ma was there a lot. There was red bull, starbucks frappacinos, chocolate, everything! then some of the guys came into our room and we listned to music and watched them dance really badly..haha yeah. then Kayla and I stayed up packing and ironing our shirts till 2:00 am..lol then we had to wake up at 6:15...uggg
Well waking up wasn't too bad. I was the first one up and i just hopped out of bed and started washing my face and brushing our teeth. Then the other girls got up and we got some of the guys and we all walked down for some breakfast. It was kinda gross.. a crappy cup of coffee and a frozen cinomen bun... yay... oh well it wasn't too bad. at least it was food. anyways, then we all went back upstairs and the guys came into our room to hang out for a bit and then the teacher came and shes like you guys have to get ready!!!! and we were all still in our Pjs and so the guys went out.. lol all except for Mark and he was hiding in the window sill but then Mrs. Mortenson (teacher) looked for him and we heard him scream and run cus his leg got stuck in the window sill..hahaha yeah then we left and drove to the college and played fairly well. We had an adjudication and then sight reading. After that we listned to two bands and it was off on the road again. we had A and W for lunch and drove some more and like 2 hrs later we had dinner at Boston Pizza. I wasn't hungry at all so me and Adam shared some hot wings. Haha all the guys kept taking the sugar packets and eating them. Then we drove. I slept the whole way pretty much and yeahh.. then i got home and went straight to bed.
It was sooo much fun but soo exhausting. anyways, i got to go. love you all and I miss you. 2 DAYS!!!! (to mexico if ur wondering...) heeheeeeeee
1 comment:
haha good times on the band trip...
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