Saturday, May 12, 2007

What is Faith?

FAITH--->seeking and knowing Jesus
FAITH-->complete confidence in a person or plan
FAITH-->believing iin something that we can't see our touch

Faith was the topic of discussion last night at youth. It was very interesting. Faith is something most Christians struggle with. It's so hard to trust God with everything, your life, your family, your friends, your future....
We all know that God loves us and he wants the best for us, so why is it so hard to give everything over to him?
because we like to control our life. most of us think that we don't need help from God, we can control our life. But really, we need God to control our lives. Without him we are hopeless. we need God to be our provider, we don't need to worry about anything. Faith is hard to have... but when you do, its amazing. One interesting thing said last night was a quote from the screwtape letters by C. S. Lewis (who is an amazing author by the way). it said that if a person who didn't have any faith when they are in a situation but still did the right thing (what God wants), that is what frusterates the demons the most. Anyways, i just thought that was cool.

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