Well I did eventually pick my courses out. Obviously, seeing as they were due today. Anyways, im going to be going into math A and B 30, Psychology 30, history 20, english 20, band 20, dance 20, physics, chemistry and bio 30. oh and choir too. So i have a pretty full schedule for next year but i love being busy as you all know. But yeah, im also pretty excited for break. Even though it doesn't seem that long since we just had a break but hey im not complaining! But so far all i have planned is, one day doing something with erin, and another with shannon, going skiing with steph, dancing, and shopping with my mom.. ha im going to buy a super cheezy valentines card for leon.. maybe one that sings. lol more embarassment=more fun!... for me anyways! hopefully ill just have a day to myself to just chill and watever. Let me know what days u are all gunna be around so we can hang out.
Oh and as u know i am going to mexico. i was pretty excited about that. And im sooo glad that all u guys are coming too cause i think that would've been really sad if only one of us or w/e were going. So i hope that everything goes okay for u guys the rest of this week. Oh and steph i hope your shoulder gets better! Love you all...
p.s. katie i hope ur having fun tanning ur butt off in hawaii cause we are freezing here back at home. we miss you! oh and we all love u, cept me..lol jk jk
p.s.s. i loooove step up and i think we should watch it steph the day we go skiing.
yay for cheesy valentines day cards!!!!!!!!!! so, what are u 2 doing for the big cheesy, romantic day???
give me the details, you are my only contact with the really romantic world. poor little old me without a bf. meh, i married already anyways.
umm actually i think we are just gunna rent a movie and chill. Valentines day is so like i dunno, its a hallmark holiday. But yeah, so we're not doing much. hhaaa yeah i forgot u were married..lol hows the baby in ur tummy? lol jkjk
no, no that's over. i'm not with keith anymore, i'll let katie take over that postition. (jj, if your reading this katie)
i meant i got a ring on my finger from this guy i met. his name is Jesus. haven't i told you about him? ;) he's a pretty sweeet guy.
so, i read the word "chill" and to me it looked like "chili" and i thought "MMmmmmmmmmmmmm, chili would be REALLY good right now..."
yeah. can you tell I'm pregnant? Speaking of that, Erin, we may have to have a talk...
Ok. Now, i WAS going to comment on your post, but i have COMPLETELY forgotten what it was about or what I was going to say...Hmmm....
Oh yeah. If you have any questions in your Psych 30 class, let me know, i'd be happy to help you out!
*worried* bum-bum-bummmmm.
why are we talking lynette? what did i do wrong. just kidding- i'm not really worried. i'm totally done with the whole "i'm married to keith thing".
haha erin i'm not so sure you are...it came up again today!!! lol yeah i think keith is still totally confused with that whole thing...funny funny. anyways. yeah gracie i have a tan!! woot woot! anyways yeah valentines meh whatever. nothing important ever happens to me on valentines. nothing exciting, either. it kinda sucks. in a way. whatever. ok yeah ummm grace you're taking your 30 level sciences?? or did you mean 20?
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