well, how was everyones valentine's day? mine was pretty good. im not a huge believer in it though, its just a rip off... anyways. leon bought me one red rose and a nice card..even if it was the one that came free with the flowers. All we pretty much did was order fish and chips, yes leon actually ate fish! We watched the illusionist which was good except the ending was crappy and rushed and thats about it. So it wasn't all fancy with chocolate and fancy pasta, but it was much better than that. Well ive been pretty packed this week, even with no school. Ugg school, i don't wanna go. Its been a really nice break, oh well its not over yet. today im hanging out with erin then tomorrow im spending the entire day with stephie poo!!! amn im excited. and yeah, then saturday i have a few chores to do and i have a hair appointement..yay!! and then sunday well, i dunno.. something.. then monday im having pj day at my house...its gunna be me and my mom and baby, oh and leon too i guess..lol yeah we are cool we hang out with my mom and have a fat/pj day..lol anyways, i better go. luv y'all.
wow, my house was really boring hey? but sam's party was pretty fun.
no, ur house was fun enji. i loooved sams party it was so much fun playing 4 on a couch.
and i missed it all...wow i missed out didn't i. that kinda sucks. oh well.
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