Saturday, December 30, 2006
so bored...
Thursday, December 28, 2006
an old friend...
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
another day in victoria
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
long post

hi guys. hope fully this post will be long, or longer than the ones that i usually write, not Katelynn long yeah i feel like all i write on my blog is wat i do in the day but not exactly how i feel. i guess i don't exactly want people to know my opininions cause im afraid that it will be alot different from wat they think, although there is that chance that they have the same opinion as you. well today im home sick with a cold. i've gotton sick a lot lately, probably caught it from someone at school or from my family. my daddy was really sick the last two days and still is. i have no clue wats wrong with him. its worse than the flu but kinda like it. hopefully none of you will get sick from me so thats part of the reason i stayed home, except i tried to go back at lunch, made it thru drivers ed.. yay... and then felt really sick and felt like my head was going to explode. so then i went home. when my mom was driving me home she was telling me how ever since i started going out with leon i haven't tried as hard with my piano and theory. im not going to deny this because lately i haven't had any motivation to play piano, or study for my theory exam. i know i'll do good, becasue i always make it through. i was one of the nerdy kids in elementry school (maybeim still a nerd) that freeked out before a test even though i studied hard and new i was going to get in the 90's. everything just came so easily to me, school, band... now that i have got into that pattern of things coming easily to me, when im given a challenge i don't try as hard as i can cause i know that i could just wing it and do a good job. and now its starting to eat away at me because after i do a good job on something like a piano performance or something, i feel this pang of guilt and this voice tells me, grace you didn't do ur best, yes ur performance was good but it could have been even better. even if other people don't notice, you will. and a few days ago my gramma called and was like im so proud of you gracie and your such a determined young women. i know that most grammas say that to their grand kids, but i couldn't help but feel guilty again. things like that make me want to try harder but i feel lazy like y would i want to try hard. and leon doesn't exactly contribute to me feeling like i can't try hard.. the way i see it sometimes is that y would i do my piano or do a good job when i could just hang out with leon or go on the computer. well, i guess theres a lot for me to think about. hmm wats some more stuff thats happening. well i was really worried about katelynn for a bit there. still worried but not as much.. oh my little erin (wait she's taller than me!) is growing up so fast. already off to arizona
for raquetball. i hope you do good hunni and ill by praying for you! and steph is amazing at sewing. lol i am not. yeahh.. but i got to go now
Sunday, December 10, 2006
were twins erin!

heyy guys. no erin and i aren't really twins. its just that i lost my binder. the last time i saw it was Friday at school. i remember bringing it home and now i can't find it... i looked everywhere for it. so yeah this really sucks. hopefully i'll find it. what else? well my house is now officially christmasfied! we put up the tree yesterday and ate lots of cinnomen buns made by yours truely.. and my then we watched pirates of the carribean 2 which my dad bought!! yay now i can watch it lots, we should watch it together guys cause i fell asleep through the whole yeah i really wanna watch it again. anyways, youth was soo much fun. i love robyns house i want to have something like that when im older. it looks like fun having your own i mean house. yeahh no im not turning gangster, i know im so good at it but... yea no.. im not. hmm wat else can i say? well today ive eaten some pineapple, a boiled egg, and right now some cheerio snack mix. yummmmy. oh if ur wondering y im not at church well its cause my mom needed me home and my dad is sick so my mom needs a alot of help with the baby and stuff. but if u guys can tell me wat the service was about id love that.. haha test to see if ur paying attention! oh at 1:30 me and katie are playing at the library. and then its the spirit of chirstmas at 6:30. but im gunna go cause i have really nothing to say... sooooooooooo bye
Monday, November 27, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
psalm 119:169
give me understanding according to your word.
May my supplication come before you;
deliver me according to your promise.
may my lips overflow with praise,
for you teach me your decrees.
May my tongue sing of your word,
for all your commands are righteous.
May your hand be ready to help me,
for I have chosen your precepts.
I long for your salvation, O Lord,
and your law is my delight.
Let melive that I may praise you,
and may your laws sustain me.
I have strayed like a lost sheep.
Seek your servant,
for I have not forgotton your commands...
Friday, November 24, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
and the journey begins...
this weekend is my soccer tounie, had a game last night at 10:00! wow that was exhausting... umm welost kinda badly but shannon (the goalie) played realllllly well. oh yeah thursday was her birthday too!! still have to find her a present... oh well imadfe 100 dollers on friday with ellen playing at my dad's office christmas party. hmm.. i have to go tho cause i need to play piano.. again.. hopefully i'll see u all sunday
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He
And together we sing
Everyone sing
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
The earth is filled with His glory
We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He
And together we sing
Everyone sing
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
The earth is filled with His glory
It's rising up all around
It's the anthem of the Lord's renown
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
The earth is filled with His glory
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
party at gracie'
love y'all...
Thursday, October 26, 2006
at school
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
confuzeld are u
Monday, October 16, 2006
break time!!
Friday, October 13, 2006
he he...

hey everyone.. srry for not posting for like a bazillion years.. well i guess it wasn't that long... but yeah. Once again i'll blame it on my bussiness, and moodiness cause that gets me in yeah lately i haven't been myself.. a little edgy and my moods are just a big rollercoaster,one minute im angry and have the deepest hate in my heart (yes i know thats from Satan) and the next everythings perfect and im on top of the world. but, i guess thats growing up for u.. anyways, i had my first soccer game on tuesday! i was soo nervous, i didn't want to go. But my katelynn showed up and i was like, yeah im gunna play. and then i look up at katelynn when i sit on the bench after my first shift and there's leon! i was so happy to see him cause i didn't expect him to come. then aftermy 3rd shift i looked up again and there is keith shouting at me and everyones like who is that?! and im like, that.. wel that is but yeah, it pumped me up so much to have my friends there. and i love playing soccer with shannon, she is such a good goalie. but yeah, we won the game 3 to 1. well this weekend is going to be interesting, so pumped for mission impossible tonight!!! its gunna be so cold but i'll just put on a million layers. so after school im going shopping to try to find black pants and a white shirt with ewwww a coller... i have to get some for band and choir. the only thing im excited about is that we get to wear red ties! i dunno y thats exciting but Then im going to youth, and supposedly leons making me dinner and then after youth who knows wat. saturday i have soccer.. come watch if u can, i understand if u can't cause its sorat early. I play at the new soccer center at 12:00. But yeahhh..Then im going to see the grude 2!!! im am sooo pumped for that, ive been waiting to see it for ages it seems like. yeah leons taking and then church on sunday and drop in and the best part... WORSHIP!!!!! me and katelynn loove yeahhhhhh...but like i said, srry that ive been soo busy and if any can hang out or like just wants to talk *cough* erin (who i haven't talked to in forever) give me a katelynn... i better go get ready for school. love y'all!!!
haha stephie, the pic is for
Friday, September 29, 2006
LuNcH @ dq!!

heyy peoples!! i was soo afraid last night that we wouldn't all be able to get together for lunch today.... and then after third, there was kent tapping me on the shoulder! lol it was so funny to see him at school, i was like its probably steph or something and then it was kent! but yeah.. anywayys so katleynn, steph, me, bryn, ben, shannon and kent all walked to DQ. we saw jeff driving erin and milly!!! i was soo surprised to see them. and me and katelynn ran up and gave erin a big hug. then we wer all in line and keith, rachel, jenelle and leon showed up. then we all ordered food... ohh yummmmmm french fries!! and chocolate chip cookie dough blizzard!!!! then ben, katelynn, steph, bryn and i all ran back to school and we weren't even late for fourth. although i had a sub for fourth and i have foods and its such a slack class.. yuck wemade omelettes today.. they were soo gross... i don't like omelettes unless my mom makes and yeah, the funnest part was throwing bubbles at eachother while we wre washing dishes... hah it was soo much fun!!! anyways, i better go. i can't wait for youth group!! yay youth!!! tslk to y'all later
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
well something personal is bothering me right now guys..
i honestly can't and im not allowed to tell u about it but wat i can tell you is i need a hug...
Monday, September 25, 2006
finally updated
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Katelynn, Steph and Gracie!!!!!
hihihihihihihihihi<-------- steph
hmmm my socks have speed stripes on them... they make me go fast!!!!! <-----steph again
ya!!!! spice girls and aqua rules!!!!!!
yeah we are soo lame.. anyways, srry i haven;t updated in awhile. hmmm .. i dunno
the case of the missing diritos. actually i think its deritos or something like that. hey we made up a new drink. 7up and iced tea. yummm i think its sprite.. yeah sprite.
g2g ttyl
Sunday, September 10, 2006
girlz dayy
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
back to the old grind..

hey everyone. sorry i haven't been updating for awhile. i've been so busy! but its been nice. i hate being bored and not being able to do anything. schools been going great so far. i love being at a brand new school, and being the oldest of course. wat else? well my classes this semester are gym.. yay, english (enriched), history/band (theres 14 kids in band.. its awesome..), foods, and math which is also enriched. yes i know im a little nerdy but hey, katelynn must be one too cause she's taking all the same classes as me, hey actually i think she might even be more nerdy cause she's taking online sorry katie, that was mean..but i still find it funny.. but yeah. oh speaking of funny... this morning in gym we were running outside on that artificial turf crap and i fell down and like scraped my stomach soo bad and it hurt, but all the guys in my gym class were right behind oh well i just stood up and laughed but then cried to katelynn and complained that it hurt.. lol mhmm.. well i have soccer to look forward to as well, i figured i need some time to excersize, i don't want to have my own fat club.. lol steph!! also piano is starting again, but im excited and im starting the tenor saxaphone, and playing flute and now possible picilo in band, yes im a band nerd and im proud of well anyways, tomorrow i get out at like 1 something but i have an src meeting and then i might go for ice cream with steph and her frind bryn which should be fun then on friday youth yay!!! im so excited!!! plus i get to play piano. hmmm, well its been nice but i have to go answer a bunch of emails and comment on blogspots..
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
all nite long

la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
that was random...
well, my life is not very interesting right now.. i think.. not to me at least..
well i guess school is something to look forward to.. starting at a new school should be exciting. not knowing anyone except for katelynn, steph and shannon should be interesting too... piano is just gunna keep taking up more and more of my time.. i mean i love playing the piano a lot, its just so time consuming.. i guess thats wat happens when u are getting ready for a grade 9 exam in january and your doing your grade 3 history... soo yeah, im just rambling on about its kinda funny, to me.. hmm tomorrow is my mommy's birthday..yay!! i think we are going shopping and then going out for coffee and then my dads taking her out to dinner and i get to stay home with nick and nathan and eat pizza, then after dinner we get to have cake. yummmm... should be fun. ow, my elbow hurts.. haha, its kinda funny how i got this huge cut on my arm. amanda was using my brother's heelies and she gave me a hug from behind me and she started to fall and she brought me down with her.. haha, it looked so funny. anyways..oh no.. nathan and nicky are starting to go crazy.. joy...
i guess steph is gunna be gone for awhile.. aww.. im gunna miss u!!!
and katelynn is with erika in regina i think... and i get to see her on the retreat. im sooo excited for the retreat.
and shannon's home and we've been hanging out a bit this week.
and there always leon.. lol steph.. lee-hon..hahaahhahahahahahahhhah, k im okay..
anyways...he's at camp
but yeah, im gunna go steal the dog from my brother, im sure she's enjoying laying inside my brother's smelly sleeping bag....
Monday, August 21, 2006
early morning

wow.. the ring 2 is the most dumbest movie ever.. okay maybe not ever but i didn't like it.. it wasn't even scary! anyways, i watched this movie last night. nicky (my other and one of my best friends) came out from calgary last night. i think he's staying for like 2 weeks or something. he is one year younger than me and we have been friends for 10 years..thats such a long time..anyways... last night my mom also pulled out home movie.. oh joy, and guess who was there.. leon. im sure that was just as akward for him as it was for me..ugggh.. yeah, so then leon called wen he got home and talked to my mom cause he needed a ride to lawson to get dropped off for camp. so this morning my mom wakes me up at 8:00.. grrrr i was not a happy camper... anyways, then we get to leon's house.. music blaring of course, he hasn't finished packing, he can't find his house key, and he's carrying a pizza box so then we finally get out the door and my mom drives us to the star bucks at lawson and she goes to safeway. around 10:30 we go to the car and meet my mom there, and then we are early for leon's bus and my mom pops into zellers. and me and leon just sat in the car. haha, we have no life.. lol steph. but yeah, then his bus came so i waited with him by the bus for a bit and then he had to like sign in or something so i gave him a quick hug and left. me and my mommy drove home and then i ate something called a breakfast burrito.. yummy! me, amanda, shannon, nick, and nathan went to dq today too and had a cocoa fudge shake. it was soo good and chocolaty cept now i feel really sick....cause i also had a white chocolate mocha for breakfast. haha.. yeah i ate wayy more calories than im supposed to but i really don't care. lol hmmm... then i went to the doller store and frakas and went home. we all sat around doing not a whole lot, shannon left and then i played james bond nightfire (the best game in the world) and played on the computer. now im waititng for dinner. so yeah... not much else to say.. im gunna be bored on the 24 cause amanda's gone, steph is gone to the wedding, and katies gone.. i think.. she might be back on thursday or might just come to the retreat.. i don't know yet. and of course leon's gone till like monday or something... so i have nobody to call randomly at like yeah.. mmmm something smells good!!! bye!! lol
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
im wrapped up in a fuzzy green blankie

ugg.. i got like 6 hours of sleep, which is bad for me.... anyways. me, erin and katelynn had a sleepover and the dang phone woke us up (katelynn's like uggg mrs. we like got to bed at 3ish or later..well at least thats the time me and katelynn went to sleep. we watched i am sam last night. it was such a good movie, really sad but i liked it. hmm then leon called and we went on the computer and he showed us this thing and these really freaky faces popped up on the screen. we like all screamed and stuff and i was like gasping for air. and then i had to gotalk to leon and i was too scared to go into a different room on the phone with him cause i thought these scary people were gunna come out. but i got katelynn to turn on the lights for me.... lol anyways, then after leon hung up which was around like 2 something, me and katelynn talked until 3 something.. i was like so out of but yeah, now we are just sitting here very bored, listning to music. but yeah, im gunna go cause yeah....
Monday, August 14, 2006
im so grumpy.. grumpy but loveable!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
im all alone!!! theres no one here beside me!!!!
haha i used ugly colours
the ex!!!!!
Monday, August 07, 2006

Friday, August 04, 2006
lazy me

so anyways, haven't been doin much these days. well i guess its only been a few days since i last posted. yesterday i woke up at like 11:00 which is weird for me cause i usually get up around 8 something. but thats not important. so i beleive i ate some chocolate chip pankcakes (compliments of my father) and then started my day off with a shower. then i went over to leon's after i got ready and he gave me a house key cause im babysitting jack and skittles for the weekend. so yeah, then me and leon went to the mall and then he went to work so my parents and nathan went shopping with me and i bought a new pair of pants, a batman shirt and a yellow bunnyhug. oh i also bought some black licorice thingys. then i went home and chilled out with my brother for a bit and talked on the phone. i ate some watermelon at like midnight and then went to bed around 1:30. this morning i woke up to my brother playing his dumb music and little kids screaming outside..uggghh.. then i read for a bit. and made banana muffins and a smoothie for breakfast. hmm wat else? talked to steph on the phone a bit and here i am still sitting in my pjs and typing. i feel so lazy all the time. my moms like u should go for a jog but im too tired.. oh well i guess thats part of beeing a teenager. haha. yeah... going to the x and im soo excited cause i have only been once. i really like spinny rides. i think my all time favorite ride is the himalayin mountain and u go around in a circle backwards. anyways, im gunna go get some lunch.. even tho its like 3:00.. oh well.
p.s. katie i miss u sooo much!!!!!!
p.s.s. it was kents birthday on the second.. i forgot tomention that... i think.. oh well even if i did i'll mention it again..haha
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
more sleepy...z....
Sunday, July 30, 2006

im so tired today.... and it's only 8:45.. oh well... so anyways to summer ize wats been happening to me the last few days..i have been hanging out with shannon and leon mostly. we played video games one night and then went to starbucks another time. umm then on friday i went with my mom to the mall and got my ear pierced at clairs. apparently you arn't supposed to do it with a gun and they did but w/e... anyways, then i went to leon's for dinnner and we watched a movie called constantine which i've seen before. and i learned that leon doesn't eat meat, thats definatly on big difference between us. i loooove my meat! haha. then yesterday... oh yeah! shannon, and erin and leon were gunna cum over cept erin got sick so she couldn't cum but tessa came over. we all jumped on the trampoline and then me, shannon and leon played james bond and tessa played the sims 2. then tessa had to go and shannon followed shortly after. anothony came to pick leon up and me and leon played on the computer and anthony and my dad had races on need for speed. i have a feeling my dad got his butt kicked!lol. so then i got to bed around 1ish. this morning i went to church and sat with steph, kristin, and jenelle. then afterwards me, steph, leon and colton went out for lunch. then we headed back to my place and hung out for a bit. uggh im so tired i keep falling asleep...oh well.. so anyways, then colton left to hang out with this brendan kid and steph left to go to warman so me and leon had dinner and then i cleanedup and we threw a ball around with my dog and then anthony picked leon up. now im sleepy and also trying to watch this movie about world war 2. anywho....
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
lonely as ever

im soo lonely and bored.. my brother is going to calgary for a week or so, katelynn, steph, and erin are at camp and i don't get my kitty. apparently we are not ready for a cat. leon has my bunny now. i went over to see howw he was doing. he meaning the bunny.. haha. so me and shannon went over to leons and the bunny was under his bed so we had tolift off his mattresses to get the bunny out. then we put him in a smaller cage in the living room. i hope jack will be okay. he looked so scared!! i know leon will take really good care of him though. so yeah... anyways i need someone to call me!!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
la la la...

im so bored again. i actually did something today.. haha. umm i woke up at 5:30 am this morning!! ugggghhh. im wayyyyy over tired. the reason for this unfortunate event is because all my family except for me, my brother, and mom and dad left our house 2 go back where they live, which is monument, colorado. yeah, so yesterday me and my cousins and nathan went shopping. i ended up buying a hedband from lululemon for some reason cause i don't even like head bands, oh well.. and i got some gallaz shoes from west 49, which are so cool. they are the slip on canvas shoes and they have an army pattern on them with tiny pink hearts, pretty sweet if u ask me and they were only 30 dollers. wat a anyways, oh yeah we stopped in frakas for awhile. i love that store cept its sooo expensive. i saw this realllly cute white dress in there and i tried it on and i was like i'm buying this, except i looked on the price tag and it was 98 dollers!!! yikesss... yeah. so today i went to my brothers orthodontist appointment at 11:15. went to the university huskies store and bought some sweats, and then went to winners. didn't buy anything there. umm wat else? oh yeah, then i came home and did piano.. wow, i haven't practiced in awhile and i should be cause im doing my grade 9 exam in january. then i gave my bunny a bath cause im taking him over to leon's house cause hes gunna take care of him now.. which means i get bubbles today!! yay. so i get 2 sleep in the basement for awhile with her cause my mom thinks she'll get lonely and cum upstairs which my mom doesn't want. yuppers. oh if ur wondering who bubbles is she is steph's kitty. so tonight after dinner me and my mom, dad and nathan are going to petland to pick up some stuff for the kitty and the bunny and then going over to leon's to give him the bunny and pick up my fish finally! i miss my patrick!! lol yeah, i get pretty attached to my fishy. then leon's probably coming over to hang out for awhile or w/e. man nobodys here and my brothers going to visit his friend in AB tomorrow for a long time. oh well steph will be home soon... kinda... crap g2g my mom said i have chores to do.. yay...
Sunday, July 23, 2006
bored to death

yeah... im so bored. my family (2 aunts, 2 uncles, gramma and grandpa and 3 cusins) are here from the states. so far we have gone to the lake and then we came home yesterday. now everyone is here and its all crazy. its nice to have my family here though i guess. haven't done much today. i went to church today. i represented the owen household. katelynn, erin, rachel, sam, amy, steph and sara were at church so i wasn't alone. i find it hilarious that no guys were there. it made me sad tho.. oh well. then me and my cuzins chilled out at home for awhile, then my cusin christina drove us to vhq and tried to find a movie but forgot my dad's card so we went to frakas, which we found out was closed. so then our last resort: the doller store!!! yay!! haha. we bought a balloon for my brother so he could suck the helium and make funny sounds.. haha we also got gummy worms and mood rings. yummmmy! now we are home and my cusin christopher has just arrived with his girlfriend. hmm now wat to do wat to do? everyone is gone too... katelynn, steph, erin, ellen, shannon... the list goes on and on... oh well... i guess i could always hangout with leon cause shes bored too.. he took care of my fish while i was gone. he didn't kill it! yay!! haha. speaking of which i have topick ny fish up after supper. uggggh katelynn is gunna be gone for like 3 weeks...*tear* haha. better go...
Friday, July 14, 2006
back again..

i know i already posted for today but i decided to do it again. im just sad/jealous/mad/confused. okay first of all im sad and jealous because katelynn and erin and steph, my like bestest friends, are all going to camp.. and im not. and im gunna miss them so much cause i can't see them in like 2 weeks. and im mad cause my dad got really mad at me for talking on the phone too much which i guess i can understand.. i think. and im confused cause.. im always confused. so yeah.. im sooo bored!! hmmm wat else can i say about my life.. ummmmmmmm i dunno. well i cam say that its 10:52 and i have till 10:56 on the computer and i have to clean up dutch blitz.. oh thats wat i can talk about. dutch blitz! i looooove that game its insane and soo fun. me and katelynn and steph play full body contact dutch blitz hahaha... sooo fun. ummmm yeah thats about it.. well i guess i might as well check my email again since i only have 2 more minutes.. so yeah.. k bye
im going!!

okay well i will be gone as of sunday... then i will be back the following sunday and i will be soo sad cause katelynn and steph and erin and ellen are all going to camp.... booohoooo.. my cuzins will be here tho so i guessi won'tbe alone but i will still miss u guys. yeah so that kinda sucks and then im here the whole rest of the summer with my new kitty!!! yay!! if u are wondering wat im talking about wellll.. i get to have stephs kitty named bubbles so if any of u wanna cum over and see it, when it getshre then yeah..shes sooo cute!! yeah, we will probably get her wen i get back on sunday or maybe on friday so steph can say goodbye to bubbles but yeahhh. well i just wanna say that i'll miss u all!!!! today me, katelynn, keith, leon, steph and kent went to see over the hedge.. it was soooo funny. i have to say that hammy the squirrel reminds me of keith or maybe even my brother.. oh speaking of which my brother and stephs brother came 2. actuallyit wasn't that bad. i think... haha yeah anywaysssss... i better go for now. probably hanging with kent, leon and steph tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
breaking up...

okay.. today was umm very interesting. last nght i had "the talk" with my parents about leon. and i think they were a little more comfortable well maybe not i think they just understoof me better. so anyways. so i went tobed at 12:04 last night. yeah i know thats weird thatiknow the exact time.. its just something i do.. but yeah. k then this morning i woke up at 8 and read diary of an anorexic girl till 9:30. then i read my bible.. which i haven't done in awhile..but i came accross this thing where it said that u need to be in love with God first before a boy. and i just thought hmmm.... theni came accross soo many things about putting ur relationship with God first than a boy and i was like.. i know what i have to do.. i have to break up with leon. my mom came into my room and was like okay grace.. im gunna tell u my last opinion on ur relationship with leon.. so she made her point about that im too young and w/e. and i sat there sobbing.. she didn't know that tho.. then i guess she noticed i wasn't talking, so she was like are u okay and i just collapsed into her arms and she held me and just let me cry. and i exlpained what had happened while reading my bible so yeah, then she said well how are u gunna break up with him.. i was so scared i didn't say anything for awhile. finally my mom said that she would drove me over to lynn and tonys house this afternoon so i could talk to him. so i phoned steph and broke down and told her wat was up i was soo upset. and she said she would cum with me.. not like be there right beside me but cum into the house with me. so my plan wen i called leon was that i needed to talk to him and steph was bored so she was gunna then i phoned katleynn and she said she would sit in the car with my mom while i did.. well.. wat i needed to do . so then i called leon back cause he called earlier. so i prayed to God that i wouldn't start sobbing wen i called leon and that he would give me strength and to help me to know wat to say. so then i called him and i told him i was gunna cum over at 2. so then my mom picke up katelynn and then steph came over and we played dutch blitz.. but i was too paraniod to do anything. then it was 1:45 and we left.. nobody spoke in the car.. we just listned to the radio. i was praying the entire way there and i just felt this calmness, which lasted until i got into leon's house and noticed tyler was there too. me and steph sat down on the couch and leon was just going around the house and then he sat in a chair and i was like steph i need to talk to u, so i pulled her into the kitchen and i was like i dunno wat im gunna do and steph calmly said im gunna go get leon.. i was like fine. so shes like leon, grace wants to talk to u. so he came into the kitchen and he's like maybe we should go into the basement.i was like yeah.. so we sat on the couch facing eachother. and we were silent.. there was a nervous laugh.. i was like okay... wat am i gunna say first.. then leon said .. u know i know wat ur gunna say, u may as well just say it. so i told him wat happened and he said he was expecting this sooner and i was like ohh. so then he asked me questions like wat my parents thought and i said my dad doesn't know but my moms kinda relieved i gues.. and then he asked me if this was the end of the relationship and i said... well i don't know.. for now we need to be friends. but if God wants us to be together.. he will make it happen..just at the right time. so then i asked him if he was okay and he said yeah.. then he said that i better goif my moms here.. and i said okay.. then just as i was walking out of the baske ment he hugged me and said the if i need to talk or anything to just call and i said i will. soo yeah, that was my whole breaking up experience and yeah, there were tears and pain but im strong and i know that God can help me through this. i feel sooooo much better. i can be a kid again, i can be myself and yeahh.. so ne, steph and katie got ice cream and then came home and played dutch blitz for real and now im sitting here with steph and katie's reading a book of mine. but yeah.. all in all i feel good and im glad i did it. and i have God to thank for helping me be strong.
Monday, July 10, 2006

well lynnette.. u were right. i do have bronchitis! i don't feel any better even since i have taken the medication the doctor gave me.. actually its made me feel worse casue it gave me a stomach ache. oh well, hopefully me getting sick won't ruin my weekend. on saturday i'm leaving to candle lake with my family and we are meeting me aunt nikki and uncle chuck (my mom's brother) and their kids.. my only girl cusins!! and also my mom's parents. they all live in the states so i haven't seen them in a longgg time.. like 8 yrs! so i think i'll have a really fun time with them. haven't done much today.. ummm went to coop with my mom to pick up a few groceries and then to costco to pick up two rolls of film. then we went to dutch growers to have coffee with katelynn and her mom. hah.. it was kinda funny cause my mom and katelynn's mom sat on the complete opposite side of the cafe. i think they even talked more than us.. which is hard to do! lol.. yeah. so anyways, me and katelynn mostly talked about leon and keith.. and just stuff.. haha. yeah then we ordereda big cinomen bun and an italian was soooo good! after that i hadto go to my doctor's appointment, where i got diagnosed woth stupid bronchitis. and i like half lost my voice too so i sound really weird.. umm then i went home and watched tv for a bit, cleaned my room. umm talked to steph cause she got back from calgary and then leon called.. or maybe i called him? i and oh yeah.. k this morning leon called.. ididn't answer the phone, my brother did. and i was just listning to the convo.. so yeah, anyways leons like can i talk to mrs. owen? i was like ohhhhh wow.. so i just hang up. and my mom talks to him for like 8 minutes and im kinda freaking out upstairs trying to busy myself with putting on a so then my mom gets off the phone and she's like guess who was on the phone and she said leon.. and i acted all surprised at this.. and she said that he called to apologize.. i was soo confused.. y would he apologize? so my mom said that before he asked me out he didn'tknow i wasn't allowed to date and then after he did of caourse heknew causei told him. and he felt badand yeah.. kinda hard 2 explain but yeahh.. so anyways umm so later that afternoon i called him or he called me and i was like sooo u called my mom.. lol and yeah.. hekinda explained wat my mom said..and hes like yeah,ur mom invited me for dinner.. i was like ohhh kay... ahh.. i mean i have no problem with that. but i was like weirded out kinda.. i dunno y but yeah, so i was like well u probably can't cum over for a bit cause i have bronchitis now and i wouldn't want u toget it.. so yeah, then we pretty much talked about wat we did that day (he spent the whole day with tyler at the arcade.. how fun..) and then my mom said i had 2 cum for dinner. yup...and then i had dinner.. and my stomach hurt and i feel like puking and its scary cause im all alone in my dark basement and its thundering and lightning outside.. lol.. actually im not scared at all.. haha. so tomorrow steph and herbrother are coming over and im finally gettingmy hair restreaked after like a year. so yeah, thats pretty much wats happened in the last 24 hours.
Saturday, July 08, 2006

yeah.. this week has been um crazy. k like on wednesday, me and katelynn, leon and colton went to a movie.. the devil wears prada. it was really yeah so anyways... we went into the theatre and found a place 2 sit. 3/4 way thru the movie colton'slike can we leave? me and katelynn want to sty but katelynn gives colton money to buy us popcorn. so he comes back with popcorn smothered in dill pickle seasoning salt.. ewwwwwwww..haha. so we watch the rest of the movie. after the movie we walk to the entrance of the mall and we walk over 2 family pizza because Colton works there and is hungry. so we walk over there and i call my mom and im like can u pick us up at family pizza.. shes like okay..w/e so me and katelynn and leon are standing outside family pizza while colton is getting his pizza. leon has his arm around me and after like ten minutes my dad cums.. andn he sees leon with him arm around.. i was like omg omg omg he is going to shoot me. so me and katelynn jump in the car and pretend like nuthings wrong. so we drop off katelynn at her house and my dad is silent the whole way home.. we go past my school, and hes like u know, it wasn't a surprise.. i knew u were lying the whole time. i just kept my head down..then we got home.. i ran out of the car and sat down at the bar on my kitchen. my moms like how was the movie.. i was like uhhh good. she imedialty realizes that somethings wrong.. she asks wat was wrong, im silent, she asks if something happened, i shook my head, she asks if its sumthing i did, i nodded, my head still down. then i start crying. she said tell me whats wrong.. i just cry and my dad says harshly why don't u tell her grace or do u want me to. i just sit there. and my dad said leon had his arm around grace and they have been dating! i was like this is the end. so yeah.. my mom just sits there and calmley says u need 2 go up 2 ur room. so i did and i just started sobbing. i say God! why did i do this!? i like leon soo much but y? i give up..i give up.. i give up! u take care of this mess lord.. i know that u can fix it. so then i sat in my fuzzy green chair and cried..then my mom said that she is going 2 the store with my dad and brother.. i was like okay.. Katelynn calls me and i explain what happened she just tells me its gunna be okay but she didn't know what to say.. i know.. i didn't know wat 2 say either.she said leon is really worried... then magically steph calls and she didn't know anything thats just happened so i tell her. then leon calls and i just spill the story to him to and he tells me that i can start everything in the relationship and that if i don't feel comfortable with anything then to tell him and yeah.. it was soo sweet and hes like grace i really care about u.. so yeah. anyways..i feel a little better. then my parents cum home and then we have a "talk". yeah.. i won't go into detail about the talk but yeah..she mostly said she was dissapointed in me and stuff about my friends and yeahh.. so my grounding was that i couldn't see my youth friends for 1 month..ugggghh this sucks. like i love my other friends too but i love my youth friends a lot 2. so yeah, i went to bed and in the morning m mom and me talked more and i ssaid aren't u gunna ban me from seeing him and she said no, ur old enough to take care of wat your gunna do about this. yeahh. so ive been talking to everyone by phone right now.. well yesterday i got to go to shannons for a sleepover. and i got home this morning andwent straight to these peoples house 2 meet their kids to babysit. and i got home and my mom said leon called at like 10 last night and then sum guy named brett called u this morning.. i was like brett?? y would brett call me?? then i thought of last night wen tyler called me.. haha. so now im sitting at home.. nathan's at a riders game in regina today so im like spending the day by myself..yay. yeahh.. call me............
<3 gracie =")

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
call me....

im sooo omg i had soo much fun on the weekend with steph, and katelynn and her family. we wakeboarded and tubed soo much. i also got um a nasty sunburn on my legs and face. haha funny pic of me and steph and katelynn in our california shorts. yeah..haha me and steph sang songs in our tent till like 4:00am on saturday ahahahha.. we were sooo tired and nature woke us up at 4:30 am on sunday..there were fireworks on canada day and we got ice cream. umm i won't go into detail and bore u to death but yeah, it will be a weekend i will never forget. well the best part was on the friday we got there. at around 7:30 the sun was setting and me and katelynn and steph decided to go down to the beach. we just walked along the sand and talked and it was sooo nice. yeah, then today islept in till 10 and then went toa movie with katelynn, her cuz (in grade7) derek and nikki (her sis) and her mom.. hah we saw r.v. it wasn't that bad actually.. oh sooo pumped for pirates of the carribean 2!!! cums out on friday. yay!! yeah, now im just extremly bored.. waiting for anyone to call me.. talked to shannon, steph, and katelynn already tho.. oh i forgot to call leon..well more or less waiting cause hes at work till 5.. maybe hes home?? i dunno.. hah just asked my mom if i could get msn back and she said ask again on the weekend. i reeeeeeelly want it back..oh well.. so bored....
p.p.s. kent has a red mohawk.. lol
Monday, June 26, 2006
all done
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006

im waiting for dinner, im sooooo hungry! im waiting for youth.. im spiritually hungry? yeah..okay... iwonder if we will go in the pool at kent's? i also wonder what tank top i should wear... a pink one or a green one? I wonder if I should wear my hair down or in piggy tails? I wonder if Im gunna get to youth on time, cause my dad's not home yet? these are random things that are popping into my head at the moment... yeah.. these past few days have been depressing for one reason or another, one of the reasons is the weather, rain makes it depressing....
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

well today has been a thinking day.. i wrote katelynn a longgg note about what i was thinking about... i doubt anyone besides katelynn is reading this anyways so i won't spill all the juicy details about the today is my last piano lesson!!!! lol i'm soo excited for this weekend. On friday im going to kent's for a pool party and then on saturday im going to kristin's grad b-day. welllllllllll, i have to make it short.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
its my birthday!!!

Happy birthday to me! lol i am now 15 years old! i can't wait for my party (7 pm). Youth was so much fun last night. We played mission impossible. The sponsers drove us blindfolded and dropped us off in willow grove, then drove away. We had to walk back to the church and also bring sundae toppings.Then we got back to the church (i got lost and was by myself but found my way back) and we got sundae's and birthday cake (compliments of me)! Trent read us a story called you are special, then we did bible study and me and kent sat onthe tables and got pennys, and oreos thrown at After youth, Sara, steph, there two cousins, kristin, kaite, kent, and me and bethany went to timmys and tthen me and beth went home and stayed up till like 2 ish. Then today tyff came over at 11 and we went shopping with nathan at midtown, i also got to open my mom/dad's, nathan's and my gramma/grandpa's gifts. My grandparents and parents got me sooo much clothes from garage and my brother got me a necklace from backside boardshop. I opened bethany's present. She got me a shirt from bluenotes and one from garage. Ididn't buy anything at midtown, well i did buy some french Oh yeah, i was just checking my email and i remembered keith got me a b-day present. He burned me his chris tomlin live cd!!! lol i looove it. He also sent me a happy b-day message to my email. U gotta love keith. can't wait to see u all tonight!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
YC part:

<--- This is for me and u soo yeah. Well i left off on Sunday morning... well i guess saturday night. I was exhausted that night and yeah.. i was super! Anyways...umm Sunday morning i think i ate poptarts and chocoltae milk.. again! and then we waited for a longggggggg time. Then me, katie, steph, and leon piled into lynn's car and drove to the rexal place (a.k.a. stadium thingy.. lol) and i slept the entire way. When we got there, miles talked again, and tree 63 did worship.. yay worship! okay that was random...and then we had sessions again. I decided to skip alllll the workshop thingies and go to all concerts..yay im such a rebel.. not. so yeah, we went to barlow girl (i was gunna fall asleep) except they played never alone which was pretty sweet! then me, stpeh and katelynn met up with kent, keebo and leon. We went tostellar kart again! except we went into the mosh pit. we totally went crazy andyah, it was sooooooooooooooo much fun. That was my favorite part of the whole trip. Then we went to get drinks which were soo gross cause they were flat. After the drinking inccident lol we went to kj52 but we were so bored sowe went to sit on the grass and throw grass..and get bananas chucked at me! not fun by the way.. yeah then we went to rexal place and miles talkedone last time, tree 63 did worship and then the sweeet news boys concert. man at first i was like okay.. like my mom like listens to the newsboys, but it wasn't that bad! i actually loved it. Then me , katie, kent, keebo, steph, leanne, rachel anddddd joel went into the emmanual bus which was.. umm.. weird. Firstmeand steph were sitting by these weird guys who were swearing.. quite badly.. and then we went towendy's for dinner and all the ebenezer people sattogether.. hheehehehehehe... lol then yeah.. we drove a long way. iwas exhausted. i was sitting everywhere, trying to sleep, but not succeding. so me, leanne and katie petted kents hair.. well mostly katie then i sat on kent and kevin but these people told me 2 get off because they were trying to watch the movie..iwas like okay. So yeah. We FINALLY got to the church and brian picked us up and me, leanne, rachel and kent oh and keebo, tried sleeping..but we were so tired we couldn't sleep (is that possible?) So we all played the piano. Then the slowpokes and i got home at 1:30 got to bed at 2 and slept till 12!! yay.. and im still sooooooooo tired. Well i have a band concert at 6:30 soibetter go get pretty, wait i already byebye.. oh yeah my birthday is on saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
YC: part uno

First all i have to say is HOLY COW! i had soo much fun at yc. I won't put everything into detail but I might have to make two blog! We arrived at Yc around i dunno 7:00. There were sooo many people. We got fairly good seats, they were kinda high up on the side, but they had a jumbotron to see everything on. So anyways, theres a guy called mike love who talked to us for awhile, then a guy called bob stromberg. They kinda talked but mostly said what would be happening this weekend. Then a guy (yes there were lots of!) named Miles Mc Phearson, he was a formal nfl player and he kinda did the "sermon" thing. Iwas like oh great, but he was amazing! at one point he was describing this person who is a believer, but kinda stuck in the mud..thats kinda what i feel like right now. I want to get closer to God and i feel like i'm in a standstill with my faith. Aftermiles did this amazing talk, there was worship with tree 63, which was VERY emotional.. right katelynn!? lol then there was a sweeeeet audio adrenaline concert. we stayed at a chinese baptist church, which wasn't that bad. I slept in a library... haha! then we got to bed like i dunno 1:30. Then in the morning we (steph, katie and me) got muffins and chocolate milk! we drank 3 litres of chocolate milk! Then we went back to the stadium thingy and miles talked again and tree 63 did worship. Then we started sessions. The first one everyone wanted togotowas called, love, lust and acne: teenage love, isn't it great? lol hahahahha. But unfortunalty it was full so we had to go to this other one about pressure, which was kinda boring. Then i went to steller kart with leanne, rachel, keith, steph, and katie. I loooooveeeee stellar kart!! anyways, then somehow, me and steph got seperated from the group and we decided to go to hawk nelson. luckily somehow we found leon, keebo, and kent. then we stayed for pillar with them for awhilebut i wasn't feeling good so we went and feed cheesies to seagulls on top of the 15 seater. aww... i miss jim bob! lol.. anyways.... yeah, then we had dinner.. i think we had like chicken and cole slaw and stuff like that. Then we went back to the stadium thing. Miles talked again and tree 63 did worship and there was a tfk concert which was soo cool. I had never heard of them before but i love them now, although not as much as stellar kart. Well im gunna tell u more later so bye bye for now and stay tuned for yc:part 2!!!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
i can't believe it...

i'm so excited for yc (by the way my dad's not comin.. tony's driving) !! so yeah.. we are leaving 8:30am this friday, and we will be back at 1:30 am (yes a.m.!!) on monday. I'm gunna be so tired.. i bet i'll stay home the morning of monday from school to catch up on sleep. So far sum of the people comin are umm me, katie, steph, rachel, colton, leon, kevin, kent, sammy, tony, lynnette, erica, and trent!! lol yeah.. got to love his sunlgasses.. lol. Today i babysat for 5 hrs and now i'm sooo tired and tonight we are working on the yard after pizza (yumm) and the tomorrow we are going to church and then going to ellen's for lunch with the newton'sonday ithink wemight be going up to our cabin.. well my dad's boss' cabin that he's letting us use for the summer. On friday i went to my friend bailey's house with these 3 other people from my social class and we had to do a skit. It wasn't actually that bad..we were doing this scene with a ken doll and we were throwing into a lake pond thingy with a string on it sowe could pull it out and bailey accidently let go of the string and so we spent like 30 minutes finding random objects to pull it out.. we eventually got it out.. well erin did yay erin!! lol so yeah thats about it. Last night at youth we talked about rights. Like what rights jesus gave up for saving us. Its amazing ho0w many rights we take for granted..really. we went into small groups.. in mine there was Kristin, Steph, Lynn, Sara and this girl from vti or something along the lines of that. Ther was acutally a lot of people at youth.. wel defienbaker drive came too. I haven't really met any of them yet. But yeah.. they're comin to yc with us. well i better go.. pizza's here...
Sunday, May 14, 2006
I'm back!

lol.. i guess i have been so stressed the last couple of weeks and now im back tomy normal relaxed, fun, loving self. My theory exam went really well actually and ummm what else? well this weekend of friday i did a variety night performance and it went realllllly good! i was so happy. Then i went to youth at around 9:30 and we did bible quizzing. Then on Saturday i had my big exam from 9:30 till 12:30, after my exam my mom and me went out and had lunch together which was nice because rarely do i get to spend time with my mom alone! Then we went shopping and got a really cute top for my piano recital, some capris, and bikini. After some lovely shopping we went home and i practiced piano. We went to the weibs house for caregroup and we had lotssss of food! Then i had to leave and babysit from 7:30 till 9:30... yay! moneyyyy...i need some more for yc.. which i am soo pumped about! its goin to be so fun, a weekend with all my favorite buddies! Anyways, sunday iwent to sunday school/church, then me, my brother, Katelynn, and my parents went out for ice cream. Oh yeah, Katie had her first banana split! lol. Yeah umm then we hung out, and now im waiting to go to the drop-in..
p.s. the pic is kent in
heres the song i'm listning to:
spend all your time waiting
for that second chance
for a break that would make it okay
there's always one reason
to feel not good enough
and it's hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
oh beautiful release
memory seeps from my veins
let me be empty
and weightless and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight
in the arms of an angel
fly away from here
from this dark cold hotel room
and the endlessness that you fear
you are pulled from the wreckage
of your silent reverie
you're in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort there
so tired of the straight line
and everywhere you turn
there's vultures and thieves at your back
and the storm keeps on twisting
you keep on building the lie
that you make up for all that you lack
it don't make no difference
escaping one last time
it's easier to believe in this sweet madness oh
this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees
in the arms of an angel
fly away from here
from this dark cold hotel room
and the endlessness that you fear
you are pulled from the wreckage
of your silent reverie
you're in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort there
you're in the arms of the angel
may you find some comfort here
Thursday, May 11, 2006
so stressed!!!!

heyy.. its 10:01 right now...oh wait.. 10:02 pm.. im so tired. I just got back from a long day at school, a track meet (which we proudly got fourth in) and variety night.. which didn't go as well as i planned but i did good. Right now i am stressed out of my mind! i have this big write up thingy due tomorrow which im a quarter done.. thats watim supposed to be doing now.. and then tomorrow i have andother variety night performance and then my moms now making skip youth tomorrow to study for a HUGE theory test on i have to do a big project with a group that can't even get together and i'm the one stuck making the script because for some reason or another everyone in my group can't talk and their like not creative..*sigh* im soo tired......................................God give me the strength to focus!!!! i dunno what i should do.. i mean i love being invlolved in everything.. and i mean everything but right now my head is going to explode! Im so mentally tired too!! uggggggg..... i am not in a good mood right now... 10:06 hmm.. well i better get going on my homework for tomorrow..
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
miss busy

yo.. well today was veryy long and i just wanted to get home..i can't wait for the summer..and well for yc too! cept for the fact that my daddy might be coming..blahh...well i talked to him adnd he said he would talk to mike and see if somebody else could drive instead of him.. and srry katie but u don't need a special liscence to drive a 15 passenger, nice try Unfortunatly if nobody else can drive then I guess i will have to put up with my father being on like the highlight trip of my whole year! yeah.. school was okay.. on of my friends keeps saying she's depressed and Im worried about her.. shes always worried about something, shes kinda umm immature? and shes not a social butterfly if u know what i one of the very few friends she has and she one of my best buddys. a few days ago she said that she was comin to centenial and now shes bumed out cause they decided not to do japanese and thats like her favorite thing in the whole world.. i love her to pieces and she like the sweetest girlsyou'd ever meet.. but i just worry about her sometimes becasue people get a different impression than i did when i met her because we were in grade 7 and i was all weird cause i just moved here.. but yeah. She feels like nobody loves her.. and thats not true! I tried telling her about God but she won't cum to youth because she thinks everyone doesn'tlike her and her anime shows are on at like 10:30 or something.. so next time i bring her to youth can u guys do a BIGGGGGGG favor? just reach out to her and let her know you enjoy being around her (only if you do) since katelynn is probably the only one reading this im sure u know who im talking about...
is flirting wrong if your not allowed to date?
should i just go out with someone even if i'm not allowed?
doilike him because im desperate?
does he like me?
does he like me for who i am or justwhat i look like?
who does God have picked out for me!?!?!?!
these are a few of the many random questions that are going thru my head right just so confused sometimes and im one of those people that just wants to know whats happeneing...<3>
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Heyy peoples! i have beenhaving an amazing week so far. Well first of all Im getting bumped up (yay!!) to the faster team in track cause my coach says im really good. I have an 86 average in English.. which i thought would be more like a and also im actually reading my bible everyday (remeber its all of ephesians katie!).. but today i was kinda depressed.. i dunno why but in fourth i didn't even talk.. i sat in my desk, did my work and walked out.. it was kinda weird because one of my friends next to me was being sorta umm loudish and it was really immature.. so i kinda got to be on the listning side for once. It made me realize how much I have calmeddown over this year.. i used to be always hyper and loud and obnoxious and totally out of control, but now i actually slow down a bit and breathe..Im sooo busy this week with Variety night (cum see me 7:00 on thursday or friday at my school), i have a 3 hr theory exam on saturday and of course my social thats not going to school i feel some of my friends.. meaning one or 2.. care.. like really care about me.. the rest could be like oh grace is gone.. when did that happen? so yup.. thats that. Im scared realllllly bad too! im scared about going to centennial. Im not sure if i should change one of my electives so Im not too stressed cause im in all enriched classes. i guess i just have to keep praying that God will show me what classes I should take. man oh man.. i miss u guys at youth...its so hard at school because nobody understands..everyonethinks my lifes okay.. and i mean it is.. but theres so much stuff that bothering me and growing up is hard..esepcially beingthe oldest in your family..oh speaking of which.. uggg my dad is proabbly gunna drive one o fhte buses to alberta on yc..i REALLLLLY don't want that to happen.. its not like i don't want my dad to like see me doing bad stuff...its just .. hes my DAD!!! its like taking yur parents to camp with u..this was my three day weekend to be alone with my friends..i feel so selfish..but it bothers me a lot. Yeah... Wat else is going on?? well theres this guy at school who supposedly likes me.. he says he doesn't but does nothing when his friends say mean stuff about me and him.. i don't even like the kid and my friends always make me sit beside him in forth and it REALLLY makes me uncomfortable.. ii really don't like this kid.. i dunno wat to do.. we don't have a seating plan and yeah.. it sucks..well i will stop writing all my worries/joys/troubles and stuff so yeah. i love you guys and im gunna be late for youth on friday
Sunday, May 07, 2006

i am sooo tired! last night was sooo funny though. Colton and Kent and my Katelynn came over (wow actually spelled ur name! it was soo fun.. we watched a movie again.. we were SUPPOSED to watch robinhood men in tights but they brought goldmember..ugg i hate that we watched school of rock. Katie left halfway through the movie cause she went to visit her grandpa. (yay hes home! God please keep Katie's grandpa stay healthy and safe. Thanks for bringing him home to his family) So it was just me Colton and Kent. Then we watched the rest of the movie, ate chips and they drank the pop.. lol. Then we went upstairs and talked to my dad about Kents job, when hes moving, church and yeah.... then i kicked them out. Then umm i watched mars attacks but got sooo tired, then went to bed... and here I am. Well i have to go eat something before I go to church. I have soo much stuff to do after church. anyways.. i g2g.. luv u as always