yeah.. this week has been um crazy. k like on wednesday, me and katelynn, leon and colton went to a movie.. the devil wears prada. it was really good..lol. yeah so anyways... we went into the theatre and found a place 2 sit. 3/4 way thru the movie colton'slike can we leave? me and katelynn want to sty but katelynn gives colton money to buy us popcorn. so he comes back with popcorn smothered in dill pickle seasoning salt.. ewwwwwwww..haha. so we watch the rest of the movie. after the movie we walk to the entrance of the mall and we walk over 2 family pizza because Colton works there and is hungry. so we walk over there and i call my mom and im like can u pick us up at family pizza.. shes like okay..w/e so me and katelynn and leon are standing outside family pizza while colton is getting his pizza. leon has his arm around me and after like ten minutes my dad cums.. andn he sees leon with him arm around.. i was like omg omg omg he is going to shoot me. so me and katelynn jump in the car and pretend like nuthings wrong. so we drop off katelynn at her house and my dad is silent the whole way home.. we go past my school, and hes like u know, it wasn't a surprise.. i knew u were lying the whole time. i just kept my head down..then we got home.. i ran out of the car and sat down at the bar on my kitchen. my moms like how was the movie.. i was like uhhh good. she imedialty realizes that somethings wrong.. she asks wat was wrong, im silent, she asks if something happened, i shook my head, she asks if its sumthing i did, i nodded, my head still down. then i start crying. she said tell me whats wrong.. i just cry and my dad says harshly why don't u tell her grace or do u want me to. i just sit there. and my dad said leon had his arm around grace and they have been dating! i was like this is the end. so yeah.. my mom just sits there and calmley says u need 2 go up 2 ur room. so i did and i just started sobbing. i say God! why did i do this!? i like leon soo much but y? i give up..i give up.. i give up! u take care of this mess lord.. i know that u can fix it. so then i sat in my fuzzy green chair and cried..then my mom said that she is going 2 the store with my dad and brother.. i was like okay.. Katelynn calls me and i explain what happened she just tells me its gunna be okay but she didn't know what to say.. i know.. i didn't know wat 2 say either.she said leon is really worried... then magically steph calls and she didn't know anything thats just happened so i tell her. then leon calls and i just spill the story to him to and he tells me that i can start everything in the relationship and that if i don't feel comfortable with anything then to tell him and yeah.. it was soo sweet and hes like grace i really care about u.. awwwwww....lol. so yeah. anyways..i feel a little better. then my parents cum home and then we have a "talk". yeah.. i won't go into detail about the talk but yeah..she mostly said she was dissapointed in me and stuff about my friends and yeahh.. so my grounding was that i couldn't see my youth friends for 1 month..ugggghh this sucks. like i love my other friends too but i love my youth friends a lot 2. so yeah, i went to bed and in the morning m mom and me talked more and i ssaid aren't u gunna ban me from seeing him and she said no, ur old enough to take care of wat your gunna do about this. yeahh. so ive been talking to everyone by phone right now.. well yesterday i got to go to shannons for a sleepover. and i got home this morning andwent straight to these peoples house 2 meet their kids to babysit. and i got home and my mom said leon called at like 10 last night and then sum guy named brett called u this morning.. i was like brett?? y would brett call me?? then i thought of last night wen tyler called me.. haha. so now im sitting at home.. nathan's at a riders game in regina today so im like spending the day by myself..yay. yeahh.. call me............
<3 gracie =")

hmmm...i wonder why those guys were calling you...let me know if you figure it out!!
praying for you two that you can figure things out in a way that works for everyone involved in the picture here.
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