well lynnette.. u were right. i do have bronchitis! i don't feel any better even since i have taken the medication the doctor gave me.. actually its made me feel worse casue it gave me a stomach ache. oh well, hopefully me getting sick won't ruin my weekend. on saturday i'm leaving to candle lake with my family and we are meeting me aunt nikki and uncle chuck (my mom's brother) and their kids.. my only girl cusins!! and also my mom's parents. they all live in the states so i haven't seen them in a longgg time.. like 8 yrs! so i think i'll have a really fun time with them. haven't done much today.. ummm went to coop with my mom to pick up a few groceries and then to costco to pick up two rolls of film. then we went to dutch growers to have coffee with katelynn and her mom. hah.. it was kinda funny cause my mom and katelynn's mom sat on the complete opposite side of the cafe. i think they even talked more than us.. which is hard to do! lol.. yeah. so anyways, me and katelynn mostly talked about leon and keith.. and just stuff.. haha. yeah then we ordereda big cinomen bun and an italian soda..it was soooo good! after that i hadto go to my doctor's appointment, where i got diagnosed woth stupid bronchitis. and i like half lost my voice too so i sound really weird.. umm then i went home and watched tv for a bit, cleaned my room. umm talked to steph cause she got back from calgary and then leon called.. or maybe i called him? i forget..lol and oh yeah.. k this morning leon called.. ididn't answer the phone, my brother did. and i was just listning to the convo.. so yeah, anyways leons like can i talk to mrs. owen? i was like ohhhhh wow.. so i just hang up. and my mom talks to him for like 8 minutes and im kinda freaking out upstairs trying to busy myself with putting on a shirt..lol so then my mom gets off the phone and she's like guess who was on the phone and she said leon.. and i acted all surprised at this.. and she said that he called to apologize.. i was soo confused.. y would he apologize? so my mom said that before he asked me out he didn'tknow i wasn't allowed to date and then after he did of caourse heknew causei told him. and he felt badand yeah.. kinda hard 2 explain but yeahh.. so anyways umm so later that afternoon i called him or he called me and i was like sooo u called my mom.. lol and yeah.. hekinda explained wat my mom said..and hes like yeah,ur mom invited me for dinner.. i was like ohhh kay... ahh.. i mean i have no problem with that. but i was like weirded out kinda.. i dunno y but yeah, so i was like well u probably can't cum over for a bit cause i have bronchitis now and i wouldn't want u toget it.. so yeah, then we pretty much talked about wat we did that day (he spent the whole day with tyler at the arcade.. how fun..) and then my mom said i had 2 cum for dinner. yup...and then i had dinner.. and my stomach hurt and i feel like puking and its scary cause im all alone in my dark basement and its thundering and lightning outside.. lol.. actually im not scared at all.. haha. so tomorrow steph and herbrother are coming over and im finally gettingmy hair restreaked after like a year. so yeah, thats pretty much wats happened in the last 24 hours.
sounds like a crazy day...glad you went to the doc and got some medicine, hope you feel better soon!
psst...what's your email addy? You'll have to get it to me sometime...
hey gracie dear!! sux that you are sick...i hope the medicine works for ya!! see ya this aft for potc2!!!
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