i am sooo tired! last night was sooo funny though. Colton and Kent and my Katelynn came over (wow actually spelled ur name right..lol)! it was soo fun.. we watched a movie again.. we were SUPPOSED to watch robinhood men in tights but they brought goldmember..ugg i hate that movie..so we watched school of rock. Katie left halfway through the movie cause she went to visit her grandpa. (yay hes home! God please keep Katie's grandpa stay healthy and safe. Thanks for bringing him home to his family) So it was just me Colton and Kent. Then we watched the rest of the movie, ate chips and they drank the pop.. lol. Then we went upstairs and talked to my dad about Kents job, when hes moving, church and yeah.... then i kicked them out. Then umm i watched mars attacks but got sooo tired, then went to bed... and here I am. Well i have to go eat something before I go to church. I have soo much stuff to do after church. anyways.. i g2g.. luv u as always
1 comment:
hey grace did you miss me after i left?? lol sounds like you had a fun time with the guys all to yourself!!! lol jk jk im just bugging you glad you had fun!!
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