i'm so excited for yc (by the way my dad's not comin.. tony's driving) !! so yeah.. we are leaving 8:30am this friday, and we will be back at 1:30 am (yes a.m.!!) on monday. I'm gunna be so tired.. i bet i'll stay home the morning of monday from school to catch up on sleep. So far sum of the people comin are umm me, katie, steph, rachel, colton, leon, kevin, kent, sammy, tony, lynnette, erica, and trent!! lol yeah.. got to love his sunlgasses.. lol. Today i babysat for 5 hrs and now i'm sooo tired and tonight we are working on the yard after pizza (yumm) and the tomorrow we are going to church and then going to ellen's for lunch with the newton'sonday ithink wemight be going up to our cabin.. well my dad's boss' cabin that he's letting us use for the summer. On friday i went to my friend bailey's house with these 3 other people from my social class and we had to do a skit. It wasn't actually that bad..we were doing this scene with a ken doll and we were throwing into a lake pond thingy with a string on it sowe could pull it out and bailey accidently let go of the string and so we spent like 30 minutes finding random objects to pull it out.. we eventually got it out.. well erin did yay erin!! lol so yeah thats about it. Last night at youth we talked about rights. Like what rights jesus gave up for saving us. Its amazing ho0w many rights we take for granted..really. we went into small groups.. in mine there was Kristin, Steph, Lynn, Sara and this girl from vti or something along the lines of that. Ther was acutally a lot of people at youth.. wel defienbaker drive came too. I haven't really met any of them yet. But yeah.. they're comin to yc with us. well i better go.. pizza's here...
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