Monday, May 01, 2006

Heyy everyone.. im back! well so far this week is going awesome.. although its only Today I actually read my bible.. thats like the first time in what 2 or 3 months? (not counting sunday school). I guess i looove to fill my schedule up. and i recently added another thing to it too.. i am now on a sports umm i just joined the track team and im not half bad either. Im going to my first meet on uh Wednesday so please pray that I don't embarass myself too much! Yeah... umm what else? I got lots of piano stuff going on.. a BIG recital on May 17 and I have a grade 3 harmony exam (for 3 hours!!!! *groan*) 2 saturdays from now.. so im pretty busy.. but not busy enough. Me and Katlynn and Ellen are doing an offeratory song which will be soooo fun/good/awesome/sweeeeet... lol. I can't wait for friday!! amazing race is gunna be so fun. But yeah.. theres not a whole lot to look forward to these days.. just summer.. oh yeah. Im gunna be spending the whole (weel not the whole) summer this year at a lake in a very umm rustic Im also having a family reunion for all the family on my mothers side (from the usa) and yeah. also im finsing time to fit in the only sport Im really good at.. wakeboarding. but yeah.. i can't wait! Well i better go for now.. i hope more than just katelynn reads this i doubt it. byeee... i love/miss you all


katelynn said...

yeah and you are skipping camp!! grrr!!! >:( haha lol of course i still love you my gracie!!

katelynn said...

well i had to comment again after i read your comment on my page... in case anyone out there wants to read it...haha anyways yeah those e-mails are comming good...iv sent a few...maybe ill go send some he actually replied to one...but maybe that's cuz i sent an actual message and not just randomness hahaha lol ummm...yeah well that's pretty much all iv got to say...except...SHE PANTSED ME!! lol wow it would be really bad if someone read that...or w/e yeah so blender, god's cool, and all that stuff you goof!! haha i love you forever and for always