Heyy peoples! i have beenhaving an amazing week so far. Well first of all Im getting bumped up (yay!!) to the faster team in track cause my coach says im really good. I have an 86 average in English.. which i thought would be more like a 75..lol and also im actually reading my bible everyday (remeber its all of ephesians katie!).. but today i was kinda depressed.. i dunno why but in fourth i didn't even talk.. i sat in my desk, did my work and walked out.. it was kinda weird because one of my friends next to me was being sorta umm loudish and it was really immature.. so i kinda got to be on the listning side for once. It made me realize how much I have calmeddown over this year.. i used to be always hyper and loud and obnoxious and totally out of control, but now i actually slow down a bit and breathe..Im sooo busy this week with Variety night (cum see me 7:00 on thursday or friday at my school), i have a 3 hr theory exam on saturday and of course my social life..lol..yeah.. thats not going to well..at school i feel some of my friends.. meaning one or 2.. care.. like really care about me.. the rest could be like oh grace is gone.. when did that happen? so yup.. thats that. Im scared realllllly bad too! im scared about going to centennial. Im not sure if i should change one of my electives so Im not too stressed cause im in all enriched classes. i guess i just have to keep praying that God will show me what classes I should take. man oh man.. i miss u guys at youth...its so hard at school because nobody understands..everyonethinks my lifes okay.. and i mean it is.. but theres so much stuff that bothering me and growing up is hard..esepcially beingthe oldest in your family..oh speaking of which.. uggg my dad is proabbly gunna drive one o fhte buses to alberta on yc..i REALLLLLY don't want that to happen.. its not like i don't want my dad to like see me doing bad stuff...its just .. hes my DAD!!! its like taking yur parents to camp with u..this was my three day weekend to be alone with my friends..i feel so selfish..but it bothers me a lot. Yeah... Wat else is going on?? well theres this guy at school who supposedly likes me.. he says he doesn't but does nothing when his friends say mean stuff about me and him.. i don't even like the kid and my friends always make me sit beside him in forth and it REALLLY makes me uncomfortable.. ii really don't like this kid.. i dunno wat to do.. we don't have a seating plan and yeah.. it sucks..well i will stop writing all my worries/joys/troubles and stuff so yeah. i love you guys and im gunna be late for youth on friday
1 comment:
haha i was just gonna ask about you being late to youth...oh well you'll still be there! but no sleepover :(
ahh my gracie (how often do i say that?? lol) umm i want you to know that i love you!! and anytime that you feel alone, you just remember me and how much i lover you!! i can't wait till we're together next year!! i miss you during the week so much...uhh i wanted to say kudos to you for reading your bible!! me too!!
and kk this is going to be a long comment, but i know how you are feeling just listening to your friends. it's a real eye opener to just listen for once, eh? sometimes i just use that to challenge myself...cuz i like to be in the limelight and love to talk...but i love to listen. i just have to remind myself.
don't worry about YC gracie...i will save you!! i don't know how...maybe ill abduct you and we'll run wild in edmonton lol ill so my best to make everything good for you!! ahh don't you just hate it when everyone thinks your life is all good and you feel like crap?? i know how that feels...i get taht a lot. don't worry, i am here anytime you want to talk!!
i love the long post!! c-ya soon. love alwyas <3
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