Monday, November 27, 2006

hi guys, i really wanted to update cause yeah i haven't had time to, or i guess made time. Well so far this week has been going well although its only monday! i have i pretty busy week, but its gunna be lots of fun. i just can't for youth.. again! i love it sooo much!! anyways, this weekend i hung out with leon on saturday cause it was our 5 months... and we went out to mcnally robinson and ate at prarie ink, the food was soooo good! then we made cookies and ate cookie dough and watched a dumb movie called shadow boxer. then leon went home. the next day, sunday!!! church was amazing, i loved the songs. then after church went home and had chili then shopping with leon and my mom. then drop in and worship man that was exhausting. as much as i love worhsip its exhausting. but i got to go cause the bells gunna ring. love you all!!!

1 comment:

katelynn said...

yeah i agree...yesterday was just really draining for me. but hey that's how it goes i spose