heyy guys. no erin and i aren't really twins. its just that i lost my binder. the last time i saw it was Friday at school. i remember bringing it home and now i can't find it... i looked everywhere for it. so yeah this really sucks. hopefully i'll find it. what else? well my house is now officially christmasfied! we put up the tree yesterday and ate lots of cinnomen buns made by yours truely.. and my mom..lol then we watched pirates of the carribean 2 which my dad bought!! yay now i can watch it lots, we should watch it together guys cause i fell asleep through the whole movie..lol yeah i really wanna watch it again. anyways, youth was soo much fun. i love robyns house i want to have something like that when im older. it looks like fun having your own crib..lol i mean house. yeahh no im not turning gangster, i know im so good at it but... yea no.. im not. hmm wat else can i say? well today ive eaten some pineapple, a boiled egg, and right now some cheerio snack mix. yummmmy. oh if ur wondering y im not at church well its cause my mom needed me home and my dad is sick so my mom needs a alot of help with the baby and stuff. but if u guys can tell me wat the service was about id love that.. haha test to see if ur paying attention! oh at 1:30 me and katie are playing at the library. and then its the spirit of chirstmas at 6:30. but im gunna go cause i have really nothing to say... sooooooooooo bye
i hope you find your binder!!!
did you find it yet?????
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