Saturday, May 06, 2006

at katie's

heyy everyone.. im at kaitlynn's right now.. so tired.. lol Well last night was a blast. I went to youth at 7 for slt (student leadership team) and nobody showed up and then colton and kent and kristin showed up.. oh and anyways... we prayed then a bunch of people showed erin came home!!!! and umm we did the amazing race.. i was in a car with kristin, steph, sarah, monique and poor matt. me and steph were waving at hott guys in! yeah... and we went to the bolling alley, wilsons, ruckers, and evan hardy on the bleachers..and we even got to watch fire it was really nice.. bible study was funny because colton kept like getting off the topic totally and he started maing a mouth out of his cup and made it talk to me.. i laughed... then he started like doing kaitlynn's hair..hehehe. hmm then we went back to the church at like 10:15 and got to go on the toilet racers!! yay. then colton was like do u guys (me, steph, katie and kent) want a ride? and were like yeah... and he drove us to tim's and we saw Rachel, keith, carly, and tyler. Leon was working there and we made him laugh.. keith tried to give him a 5 cent canadian tire bill instead of a 2o..hahah. So we talked and stuff and the other peoples left so it was steph, colton, kent and katie..oh and me! then we had to go home (a.k.a. Katie's house) and we stayed up and had chocolate covered carmels and pop and popcron until 4:00. Then we all slept until 10:11.and then we had pancakes.. and steph mentioned that Kaitelynn doesn't have a tablecloth on her table.. lol!!!! yeah.. we are weird.. oh and steph was sooo hyper at like 3:30 am.. lol. she reallly wanted chocolate... but yeah now im typing and its weird cause it s all quiet and me and katie haven't talked to eachother for awhile.. but yeah.. i love you all. and Katelyyn loves tablecloths and blender, God's cool and all that stuff.. oh yeah im going to centennial for sure.. im not going back on my decision this time... thanks for praying for me katie...oh yeah erin.. if ur reading this which ur probably not.. u get the bracelet tomorrow.oh yeah.. yesterday i was soooo mad at my mom but ill tell u bout that later when i have what i wrote about it.. its at my other yas!!!

1 comment:

katelynn said...

wow need to learn how to spell!! lol and you don't have a tablecloth at your house either!!! lol mooohahahaa!!