grrrrrr.... im so grumpy. i want sleep but once i wake up i can not go back to sleep. well and y did i wake up? because somebody called me from kfc at 9:08 in the morning. hmm.. wonder who that was? no sarcasm there... lol anyways. im all alone for another half an hour cause nathan is being dropped off at basketball camp today. brrrr now im cold. i made a chocolate strawberry smoothie for breakfast. but its soo good. yeah, k. yesterday in went to a very good church service, it was soo emotional. there was a native woman who gave her testimony and then they did comunion different. everyone came up and got the bread and wine, well i guess grape juice. and then if u need to be prayed for, u could ask someone to pray for u. it was so sad, everyone was like cring and stuff. but it was good. but yeah, then after church i went to mickie dee's with my parents, nathan, austin and daniel (nathan's friends). then i went home and at 6:30 my mom and me picked up leon and we went to see pulse (well not my mom..). and yeah, it was kinda freaky but i loooved it. then we walked to starbucks and we got some coffee. then wen i got home around like 10ish i phoned katelynn and tlkaed for an hour and then i phoned leon and we talked till 12:50ish. then i finally got to bed... ugg and i didn't even get to brush my teeth. but yeah, anyways, im gunna go check katelynn's bloggy and erin, steph, katelynn and my blogspot. yeah.. talk to y'all later.. well actually katelynn today i'll talk to. and probably erin sometime.