well i never told you guys my gas station story. on monday i think it was, i went to the gas station for the first time. and boy was i scared, although then i reaslized that i didn't have to do anything because it wasn't self serve. So anyways, my mom and i drive up to the station and drive around it for like 10 minutes because people keep stealing my spot, so finally i find an empty spot and i wait for the guy to come and serve me. but no one comes... we waited for about 15 minutes i think, then i looked up and the sign said self serve! so then i went around and waited in line and finally someone served us. the guy asked me 3 times if i wanted my tank filled all the way. haha then he asked me to drive to the front of the station to give me my mastercard (actually my moms) and i accidently took the wrong receipt. it was hilarious, i ended up being 20 minutes late for my theory class though. oh well, its boring anyways...
well last night was very umm interesting. I was sitting in the pitch black darkness of the hotel room in the bathroom because my mom and the baby was sleeping. apparently everytime i pressed a key it was waking my mom up. so i retreated to the bathroom. anyways i waited for 2 hours cause leon was supposed to go on msn and talk to me...but he didn't cause he and kent were walking to VHQ to my house and they took a different way and they were late. but yeah then i went to bed around 12:00. and i was sooo cold! i woke up at 5:00 am to the sound of a fire alarm, everyone was going down to the lobby, but no one could find the stairs, so i went down to the lobby in my pjs and apparently it was a flase alarm and some kids from a hockey team had pulled the alarm. then it went off again at 6:00.. but not for long. i went back to sleep and my auntie phone at like 7:45 and woke me up. i got up and went downstairs and talked with my auntie and uncle and my gramma and grandpa. now im sitting in my brothers room with him and the baby.. well i better go. ttyl...
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Red Deer
heyy guys.. im in red deer! woohoo.. yeahh anyways... well this morning i woke up at around 6ish and packed myself up into the car. Of course we had to turn around and come back home to grab a map..lol. the ride there wasn't too bad. it took us around 6 hours. we stopped a few times at some gas stations (luckily not too dirty!) and we went to subway for lunch. About 4 ish we arrived at the hotel. my mom and baby and i are sharing a room and the guys are in another. we went to a huge buffet for supper thats in the hotel. it was soooo good, there was roast beef, a huge salad bar with every kind of salad there, perogies, cabbage rolls, and potatoes.. ohhh and then there was dessert! all sorts of cheesecake and pies! it was sooo good. then nathan and i went back up to our rooms with the baby while my mom and dad finished their meals. we both put on our bathing suits and put baby in her new pink flowered bikini, its adorable on her. we all went to the pool and had a good swim and went in the hot tub. baby didn't really like the water, it was sorta cold. ive been pretty much just sitting, doing my prayer journal and watching tv for the last while. its been really nice though to have a break from everything and to hang out with my family. tomorrow im not really doing much cause the wedding is in the evening, so yeah. ill have to do my homework tomorrow cause obviously sunday is going to be a veryyyy busy day. Im really excited about this youth group coming and stuff, i think its gunna be a really good experience, especially for the worship band. oh and something special is also on sunday... leon and I will be going out for 9 months! wow thats a long time..ha. anyways.... well i better go. although im gunna be up for a long time cause im not even tired. hope u guys are having fun at youth (and in toronto)
Sunday, March 18, 2007
its so hard...

its so hard to remember to do these prayer journals. In the beggining i really enjoyed doing them (i still do) its just really hard to find time to do them. I guess thats Gods way of showing me that i have to put him first in my life. Like instead of talking on the phone at night for an extra 15 minutes, i should say bye and do my journal. i like doing my journal right before i go to bed so sometimes its hard to stay awake. but i find that when my prayer journal is the last thing i do, its sorta clears my mind and relaxs me and helps me focus on God. but yeah thats my rant about prayer journals.
mmm yesterday shannon and i hung out and played ps2 with nathan. it was really fun. then leon came over and we watched a movie called hunny. its was super good. lots of hip hop dancing, and really cool stuff. umm oh and we pigged out on chips...ha so much for my promise to eat healthy after the band trip. oh well..
this week is sorta busy but nice. i havemy last soccer practice tonight and my last game on tuesday. i think thats gunna be my last. i love soccer and all but id rather focus on other things like piano, things that im gunna probably persue. i dunno...hmmm ohh yeah still got to write my testimony for thursday...uggg
Saturday, March 17, 2007

heyy guys. sorry i haven't updated in awhile..busy as usual. well this morning i woke up at 7:30.. woot 5 hours of sleep!!! lol destiny has now discovered eletrical outlets. she tries to get the plastic covering off so that she can stick her fingers in the outlets. anyways... sooo yesterday (friday) leon wanted to spoil me for taking care of him all week while he has been hurting. hey, helping him up the stairs has been a good work out! anyways, so my daddy took us to midtown and we just walked around a little. then we went into west 49 and in the guys section there was this adorable hat ( a toot toot had) and leon thought it would look really good on me. so he bought it for me. then we looked around some more, and went to starbucks and shared a mocha frappacino..yummm!!! then he also bought me two shirts from below the belt. one is a billabong tank top and then this other yellow shirt thats really nice. then he bought himslel some running shoes. then we walked to my daddys office and we went home. haha i slept the whole way home. if ur wondering y i wasn't at youth its cause i was hanging out with leons family. we had sooo much fun, we went to mcnalley robinson and did some other stuff.. haha his brother is soo cute, he just never stops talking. love u guys!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
gaga nana mama

<--------haha this reminds me of something id say with katelynn...if ur wondering y that is my title, its because that is the sound i hear right now.. ibviously its coming from little destiny! aww shes so cute cept shes really teething now and shes grouchy..and not to mention insanely drooly. oh well. her fat little cheeks (and i didn't mean her butt.. man u guys have dirty minds...lol) make up for it. anyways... well today was fairly boring. be proud of me, i didn't leave my purse on the bus! yay for gracie. umm in first we wrote stuff about our dance workshop..blahhh! and then in second math, with katelynn and kayla.. woot and third band, which is really cold, i mean the room is freezing!!!! although im always cold, so is katie. hmmmm.. then lunch i had choir and me and katelynn had fun making up words and harmonies cause we weren't there for like a month cause of drivers... then in 4th i worked on a bunch of english things i needed to catch up on and me and katie read our beautiful, heartbreaking sonnet..lol then in 5th science!!! i love science!! i have a 95% average. yay. but yeah, we didn't blow anything up today, we froze a block of wood to a test tube thinger though..that was cool.. oh and we watched bill nye. yay!!! bill nye the science guy. so yeah then i went home and had chicken soup and salad and bread for dinner! yummmmm... oh katie i liked those pita thingers u brought for lunch. anyways, now im waiting for 9:00 to roll around so i can go to my soccer game. ugg ill be tired in the morning. but yeah, hows everyones prayer journals?? mines really good, i really like doing them.. well most of the time. can't wait for youth.. worship!!! ttyl... love u guys sooooo much!
Monday, March 05, 2007

guess what!? God is awesome. i was praying so hard last night that someone would give me my purse back and today, a girl in grade 9 came up to me and said i think u left ur purse on the bus and im like yeahh... and then she said well i have it. i was like ecstatic! i said thank you sooooooooo much!!!! i love u!! and she was all weirded out cause i like don't know her.. haha yeah.. im havin a good day. thanks for praying for me guys. today i danced the whole day. and man am i sore. but i had so much fun. we did about an hour and a half of salsa and i was partners with vicki and then we did an hour and a half of contemporary ballet which wasn't even closely related to ballet, i dunno it was weird but relaxing, and then i went to lunch and at a sub with vicki, she was pretty much with me the whole day and we had so much fun. and then after lunch my favorite class... hip hop, man that was awesome. this girl who was teaching us was amazing, man she was soo cool. and it made me miss dancing competitvely a lot. especially hip hop, it all sorta came back to me. but dance acamdemy is really nice and i am enjoying it soo much. well i hope u guys are doing okay. love u all. srry... love y'all!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
heyy.. k guys im really scared. i know i already told u about the whole purse thinger but im really scared that someones gunna follow me home or something, its really bothering me. Im on the verge of crying... im just paranoid, but they kn0w everything about me, my school, my age, what i look like, where i was born even my middle name. thats freaky.. i dunno.. thanks for praying. leons worried about me, he wants to like come ride the bus to school with me. but yeah g2g...
Saturday, March 03, 2007
oh where is my purse?!
heyy sweeties.. wow thats a new one. well i wanted to tell u guys that i losted my purse. on friday i went on the bus and left my purse on it when i got off. i immediatly phoned the bus station and they said i had to wait for the morning and phone back. So my mom phoned this morning and they didn't have a purse brought it. so we assume that somebody took it. my purse had everything in it; my cell, my drivers lisence, my debit card, social insurance card, health card, birth certificate, cash..and my phone..ugggg... so most of this morning has been spent getting those things replaced and applied for. please pray for me guys, im so scared cause some weirdo without a heart to give my stuff back has all this information about me and yeah im really scared...
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