Saturday, December 30, 2006
so bored...
hi guys, its my official last day in victoria, tomorrow im going to vancouver, and guess what im doing?!? im having a huge party and hanging out with cool people who are my friends.. jk jk no first of all i don't have any cool friends... not u guys are awesome. and secondly i have no where to have a party. but yeah. woah, k my uncle and auntie came over and they have a huge puppy. haha he came down and licked my leg and ran away. i guess i don't taste very hmm.. anyways, today i think im just hanging out in my huskie shorts and cleaning, reading and blogging of course. then maybe this afternoon im going out with my parents (nathans skiing) and shopping and stopping by my moms friend's place to see her kid. then i think tonight we are all going to our family friends house for dessert. yummmy!!! and i'll probably come home, check my email and crash for the night. i have to get up sorta early cause we are all going to breakfast (still can't decide where) before we catch the ferry, which we catch at 10:30. so yeah, then after that i spend the night in a hotel which we will be nice. and my grandparents are staying over in vancouver with us for the night to have new years dinner with us. i think we will be going to earls or moxies or something. then monday i begin my journey of traveling again.. woot woot, i can't wait. yes u can hear how enthused i am. but duty calls and i must leave you.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
an old friend...
well its been another relaxing day in victoria. i have to say though that i love it here a lot, but i miss you guys soooo much. i miss being able to call you and just hang out. anyways, well this morning my dad, nathan, destiny, my grandpa and i all walked up mount doug. it is so beautiful out there with all the tall trees unfortunalty which some have been damaged a lot by the wind and snow. anyways, its just beautiful out there. after our walk we came home and nathan and i went into the hot tub. that explains itself.. lol i got out after 5 minutes.. hey thats pretty good for being in there with my brother! anyways, after that we all got dressed and showered and whatnot and we went to my grandpa's golfing club. its quite fancy there and they even have a dress code! but the funny thing was the only pants i brought were jeans because i wasn't going to dress up too much but i had broght nice tops to kinda dress the jeans up a bit. but anyways, the only kind of pants u are not allowed to wear are jeans so i here i was in this expensive golf club my huskie wow that was fun.. after we had lunch my mom decided that i should go over and visit my old buddy Luke. now luke and i were best friends since about grade 2. we lost contact when i moved and we haven't talked since. i was so excited to hear that he moved to victoria so i could finally see him. so as i was walking to his door i was nervous not knowing what to expect at all. i saw some dogs run to the door and my heart was racing then.. he answered the door. i actually said oh my gosh when i saw him.. which was sorta weird but i was used to the Luke who was shorter than me, short haired, obssesed with limp biskit and skateboarding instead standing in front of me was a long curly haired, somewhat grungy/skater boyish guy obssesed with his computer wearing a pink floyd t-shirt. he looked at me and i looked at him.. we said nothing and my parents talked to his dad and i left. i had a feeling that no words would be exchanged between the two of us but at least i saw him. but yeah, he still looks the same underneath all that hair and i honestly miss having him as a friend. but things change when people grow up and move away. i wonder what it would be like if i was still in calgary. id probably either be skateboarding with the guys, or watching a movie with nathan and amanda. in some ways i miss that but now i have katelynn, steph, erin and leon of course and u guys could never be replaced. thats the good thing about moving u make new friends but u still have ur old ones too. although in the process people stop keeping in contact, like luke and i which is a shame but life must go on. anyways, i mustn't start with my moving stories and move onto a different topic. now im sitting in the dark worrying about things. worrying that i won't finish my homework and i am going to mess uop on my piano exam and that i won't find my purse and i will loose all that money and stuff. but theres not much i can do. but i better go for now. i miss you guys a lot.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
another day in victoria
well i had another interesting day i guess. woke up around 10:30 and had breakfast. i walked back to my room and was gunna grab my towel to have a shower but i got into bed again and fell asleep tile 12:50. which is really not like me at all to sleep in. anyways, then i got up and got dressed. our family had lunch, my dad went out to visit with his old school buddies, and after he came home we all went out shopping. i didn't buy anything cause my mom and me started to fight a bit but we came home with a screaming baby. we think her stomach might be hurting her cause she was just screaming her head off. anyways, now we are back at home with our grandparents and my great auntie and uncle are over visitng my parents mostly. i have no clue what i am doing tonight, all i can reallly do is eat and go on msn. for some reason my email isn't working. maybe its this dumb macintosh computer im on. oh well. but i guess ill go for now cause i can't think of anything else to write or type i guess. but i better go.. i miss you all soooo much and i can't wait to see you guys next week. have fun at the all nighter too. love y'all
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
heyy guys. wow, does this ever happen? grace updating her blog more than once a week? wow, now i feel special... well i should, katelynn and steph.. and erin tell me that a lot... lol anyways.. i think those tylonol nighttime pills are making me a little bit sleepy.....yeahh im still sick, i felt a lot better today but then as soon as i got home it was like BAM! there goes my throat, my nose and im tired and achy. oh well... i'll live with it. now my mom is sick too. she has wat my dad had. still don't know exactly what that is tho. the only people in our house right now who aren't sick are nathan, the baby (hopefully she won't get sick), the dog, and the fish.. lol but yeah, now i have to get going cause i have to pack my bags for tomorrow. i'll talk to you guys later and im soo excited about youth on friday!
Monday, December 11, 2006
long post

hi guys. hope fully this post will be long, or longer than the ones that i usually write, not Katelynn long yeah i feel like all i write on my blog is wat i do in the day but not exactly how i feel. i guess i don't exactly want people to know my opininions cause im afraid that it will be alot different from wat they think, although there is that chance that they have the same opinion as you. well today im home sick with a cold. i've gotton sick a lot lately, probably caught it from someone at school or from my family. my daddy was really sick the last two days and still is. i have no clue wats wrong with him. its worse than the flu but kinda like it. hopefully none of you will get sick from me so thats part of the reason i stayed home, except i tried to go back at lunch, made it thru drivers ed.. yay... and then felt really sick and felt like my head was going to explode. so then i went home. when my mom was driving me home she was telling me how ever since i started going out with leon i haven't tried as hard with my piano and theory. im not going to deny this because lately i haven't had any motivation to play piano, or study for my theory exam. i know i'll do good, becasue i always make it through. i was one of the nerdy kids in elementry school (maybeim still a nerd) that freeked out before a test even though i studied hard and new i was going to get in the 90's. everything just came so easily to me, school, band... now that i have got into that pattern of things coming easily to me, when im given a challenge i don't try as hard as i can cause i know that i could just wing it and do a good job. and now its starting to eat away at me because after i do a good job on something like a piano performance or something, i feel this pang of guilt and this voice tells me, grace you didn't do ur best, yes ur performance was good but it could have been even better. even if other people don't notice, you will. and a few days ago my gramma called and was like im so proud of you gracie and your such a determined young women. i know that most grammas say that to their grand kids, but i couldn't help but feel guilty again. things like that make me want to try harder but i feel lazy like y would i want to try hard. and leon doesn't exactly contribute to me feeling like i can't try hard.. the way i see it sometimes is that y would i do my piano or do a good job when i could just hang out with leon or go on the computer. well, i guess theres a lot for me to think about. hmm wats some more stuff thats happening. well i was really worried about katelynn for a bit there. still worried but not as much.. oh my little erin (wait she's taller than me!) is growing up so fast. already off to arizona
for raquetball. i hope you do good hunni and ill by praying for you! and steph is amazing at sewing. lol i am not. yeahh.. but i got to go now
Sunday, December 10, 2006
were twins erin!

heyy guys. no erin and i aren't really twins. its just that i lost my binder. the last time i saw it was Friday at school. i remember bringing it home and now i can't find it... i looked everywhere for it. so yeah this really sucks. hopefully i'll find it. what else? well my house is now officially christmasfied! we put up the tree yesterday and ate lots of cinnomen buns made by yours truely.. and my then we watched pirates of the carribean 2 which my dad bought!! yay now i can watch it lots, we should watch it together guys cause i fell asleep through the whole yeah i really wanna watch it again. anyways, youth was soo much fun. i love robyns house i want to have something like that when im older. it looks like fun having your own i mean house. yeahh no im not turning gangster, i know im so good at it but... yea no.. im not. hmm wat else can i say? well today ive eaten some pineapple, a boiled egg, and right now some cheerio snack mix. yummmmy. oh if ur wondering y im not at church well its cause my mom needed me home and my dad is sick so my mom needs a alot of help with the baby and stuff. but if u guys can tell me wat the service was about id love that.. haha test to see if ur paying attention! oh at 1:30 me and katie are playing at the library. and then its the spirit of chirstmas at 6:30. but im gunna go cause i have really nothing to say... sooooooooooo bye
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