well its my last day of being 15. lol no this is not what this post it gunna be about. im not sure what this post is going to be about. Im bored right now and i felt like writing. have you guys ever had one of those weekends where you have soomuch stuff to do but you don't really want to do it and you don't know where to start. yeah, thats me. but i can look forward to my birthday dinner tomorrow! yummy.. ribs and ceaser salad! my favourite. my other options were sushi, or homemade southern fried chicken. my mom makes some good stuff but i love ribs. me and nathan usually have ribs on our birthdays and dad usually has the chicken.

Topic change..

Well i have to find a job for the summer and i thought that i was getting a job babysitting everyday from 8-12, but it turns out the lady doesn't need me anymore. So now i have to go into the real world and fill out application forms. I have one from sobeys. I know some people who work there, it doesn't seem too bad. Plus its close to home so i can get there quickly. I also was thinking of applying at the new Boston Pizza but i just can't see myself being a waitress, i go wayyyyy too fast. i think that working at Starbucks would do me better! but then again Starbucks is my coffee place and apparently "you don't want to ruin it for yourself" Leon says.. oh well i guess he's right, look at him. hes a vegitarian working at KFC. Clothing stores don't reallly appeal to me... i dunno...
Another new topic.. ive been up since 5:40 am. haha funny story... well im sick and my dad came home with some sinus nightime pills for me and my mom told me to take one about 8:30. I did and i asked her if it would make me drowsy. she said maybe a little. Leon came over at 9 and we were just talking and all of a sudden it was like this wave of sleepiness came over me. And i just started to close my eyes. Leons like Gracie its time for bed. So i ended up going to bed at 10:00. i don't sleep much and i woke up at 5:40am. Thats my story, i hoped u liked it... i didn't..lol
oh i LOVE the one way girls blog. awesome!!!!
well i better go i have a four page essay to write on medieval food, ohhh food, im hungry!