<---- haha sopngebob is my hero!!
well i actually have some spare time today to do some blogging! its so nice being bored and not being at school. plus having absolutely no homework helps too. last night i had a blast at drop in. Actually the whole day was really nice. I got up and went to sunday school bright and early at 10:15..lol and we talked about the barenaked ladies concert that mike went to the other night. He bought a memory stick that has the whole live concert on it. We listened to some of it then got into half of the bible study lesson. Oh well, it was fun. Then it was tome for church and i sat with steph all by ourselves in the 2nd row..lol aren't we so cool! then after the service me, anthony, lynn and leon went out for a super yummy lunch at chianti. i was soooo hungry. And after we shared peanut butter pie. it was soooo good!! (goot..lol steph) After that we went back to tony and lynns and leon and i did our bible study and played video games. at 5:30 i got to the church for drop in and me, erin, jeff and leon sorta set things up. i had soo much fun. and leon did the anything for a coke. it was disgusting. he put jello in a cup and put layers of whip cream and veggies in it. They had to suck the jello through a straw and the eat the veggies after. uggg it makes me cringe. Then after drop in leon and i gave my parents a break and babysat destiny for them. shes so cute but shes got the flu so shes kinda fussy. but yeah, so not any major plans for this week. Rock climbing, sams b-day, hanging out with erin and steph. umm not really much for valentines day.. unless leon plans something and surprises me..*hint hint* jk jk actually i think valentines day is more of a "hallmark holiday." they just want to u to buy stuff so they can make more money. but yeah... oh and im having so much fun writing in my prayer journal for mexico. oh yeah, stpeh have u been writing in yours? im supposed to ask..lol its really nice to just write down prayers cause i can actually concentrate. cause i dunno about u guys but sometimes when i pray i just start thinking about something else and its like grace pay attention!!! prayer journaling helps me soo much. well i better get back to the real world..lol i love you guys. i hope ur having fun katelynn!!! oh and something gross happened yesterday, my housen smells really nasty cause my mom was boiling bottle nipples for the baby to clean them and she burnt them.. it smells soooo gross like burnt rubber.
ewww, poor gracie.
i know what you mean about prayer journals!! i totally lover them. are you steph's umm, what's the name.. grrr, what do you call them?
commitment partner? that's not what you call them, but do you get my drift?
accountability partner? is that what it it. grr, this is gonna bug me!!
yeah its accountability partner
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