Tuesday, March 11, 2008


well ok.. i was on a blogging spree but i decided it had to stop somewhere.. haha i still blogged wayyyy more than any of u, but i guess that tells you how much of a life i have haha, soo im sitting in my hotel room in Regina (on a band trip), with my friend Dayle ahha and we are going to be so tired in the morning because it is now 1:30 in the morning and we have to get up by like 6 something.... well i had nothing better to do so i drank an energy drink not that long ago, which probably wasnt that smart...butt im not a very smart person...lol ahh well im having funn and im relaxed which never happens much anymore. listning to teardrops on my guitar, listning to dayle sing it lol while shes working on some sewing thinger ahaha... well so far regina has sucked to be honest, i hate only being able to eat fast food so i bought a HUGE bottle of water.. but so far all thats done for me is make me go pee like every 2 hours! why cant people be on msn at 1:30....lol well i guess theres school in the morning ahha. well i miss Destiny and im also very sorry that i haven't been going to church.... ive been soo busy its rediculous.. but i will be there next week. lol anyways i love you all! xoxoxoxoxox


katelynn said...

hey gracie i'm sorry regina sucked if i was in choir i would've come and then it would've been fun.

enji said...

ha. i love that i can tell that you were really tired when you wrote this because of how your sentences are structured.
wow, grace- have i mentioned i love you?

*gracie* said...

haha i love you tooooooo