Wednesday, January 16, 2008

things are finally good...

okay so the past few weeks, particularly the past week, has been a rough one. this week ive been trying something new. im the type of person that gets really stressed out becasue of finals. what better way to not be stressed out by doing some good ol devos. God definatly had this one planned out. The past few nights he has shown me so many amazing verses its crazy. and ive been writing in my prayer journal everyday. God has been so close to me lately but i hope that doesn't go away. I was losing hope there for a little bit but He showed me all of the amazing things He has done for me in the past and i knew that i just had to believe and trust in Him again. by doing this, God can work through me to help my friends and people in my life in ways that i could never imagine.
anyways, im at school right now. its second so i have my spare right now.. school is absolutely insane right now but hopefully everything will calm down after finals. but i guess ill go for now. thanks for praying for me guys, it definatly helped! love you all...

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