Tuesday, January 29, 2008
semester 2
well im at school right now on my spare... pretty boring. i had chemistry first (yay) and i was supposed to be in a class with katelynn and steph and kayla and caitlin buttttt... i got shafted into a different class. oh well.. im sure ill last. next period i have biology which should be lovely.. and then history and psychology. im so pumped for psychology!!! theres not much to say but its really cold outside.... like -50.. honestly they need to cancel school... lol well i guess im done..<3
Sunday, January 27, 2008
well i just got back from the amazing retreat.. im not gunna tell you all about it just cause most of u were there and theres no point in having you read about what you did... haha but the one thing i do want to talk about is worship. like okay, before the retreat the team worked really hard to get our songs ready. even though we had practiced so much i was still pretty scared. but when we played it was so amaxing like it was so cool. im not trying to brag, its not even that we sounded good it was the mood and feeling. everything was so happy. like i bet in all the pics of me playing keyboard i have this huge goofy grin on my face. and honestly i don't think i have ever felt more at peace and happy ever before. i am so glad that God told me to go on this retreat, so much stuff was said and it was truley a blessing to come and be with all of you.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
an answered prayer
so most of you know that ive been kinda struggling with not going to the retreat. im supposed to be going to this high school select wind orchestra which always conflicts with the winter retreat. i believe that i missed it last year because of this. anyways im the type of person who wants to be involved in evertyhing and i don't want to miss out. so i prayed to God that he would show me what i need to do. Part of me wanted to stay home because to be honest, i don't mind these band things. But the other part of me was like, you know ive been working my butt of and i want to have a nice weekend with my friends and God is going to be working in that place. So last night in small groups, this subject was prayed upon. I thought nothing of it afterwards. This morning i woke up and my mom was in the kitchen and i was like mom guess what, and shes like no you guess what. and so i waited her to tell me what she needed to say, and she said Grace, you are going on the retreat. weirdly enough that was just the thing i was about to tell her. my dad heard all this and he was just confused... but yeah so im going to be going on the retreat becasue God wants me to be there. oh and by the way, any rumour you heard about my mom coming is totally not true...lol
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
things are finally good...
okay so the past few weeks, particularly the past week, has been a rough one. this week ive been trying something new. im the type of person that gets really stressed out becasue of finals. what better way to not be stressed out by doing some good ol devos. God definatly had this one planned out. The past few nights he has shown me so many amazing verses its crazy. and ive been writing in my prayer journal everyday. God has been so close to me lately but i hope that doesn't go away. I was losing hope there for a little bit but He showed me all of the amazing things He has done for me in the past and i knew that i just had to believe and trust in Him again. by doing this, God can work through me to help my friends and people in my life in ways that i could never imagine.
anyways, im at school right now. its second so i have my spare right now.. school is absolutely insane right now but hopefully everything will calm down after finals. but i guess ill go for now. thanks for praying for me guys, it definatly helped! love you all...
anyways, im at school right now. its second so i have my spare right now.. school is absolutely insane right now but hopefully everything will calm down after finals. but i guess ill go for now. thanks for praying for me guys, it definatly helped! love you all...
Sunday, January 13, 2008
hey guys. im having a bit of a rough day. okay make that a lot of a rough day. can u guys please pray for me? im sorry but i can't tell you whats going on but ill be okay. just pray for me that God would give me strength. thanks
Saturday, January 12, 2008
mmmm...its good to be back

so last night i went to youth. it was sorta a "new start" cause we are starting a new bible study. I am in Candace's group and i absolutely love it! i got put with some lovely girls (and my enji!!!) and i know that God put us in a group for a reason.
lately, i have been having that feeling where i want to be close to God but i just can't get there. no matter how hard i try, i just wasn't feeling him. so finally last week, God spoke to me. There is a friend of mine who is having some trouble and ive been really worried about them. God showed me a person at our church who could help my friend. I knew that God was talking to me because after church my mom told me that she felt the same thing.
God is so amazing guys. i know that he loves all of us.
God please help us all through these tough and stressful weeks of finals. i pray that you would help us to keep focused on our studies and help us to remember all the information that we learned. Take all of our nervousness away and please help us to feel your presence.
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