heyy guys! well i guess i have some spare time.. *gasp* whats that?!? grace has spare time?!? lol yes i actually do right now. grr u know what i find annoying though? ive been sleeping through my alarm every morning this week! its dumb, i have it on really loud and im usually a really light sleeper, maybe thats changing. oh well. soo not much is happening inmy life right now. Mexico is getting to be more of a reality for me than a thing in the future. i recently took a test to see what my spiritual gifts are. Apparently my best spiritual gift is serving. I guess that is true. i love helping out doing random jobs like setting up that bulletin board for youth. that was fun! i also like listning to people and giving my opinion. anyways, what were ur guys like? hmmm wat else? well schools going okay cept for my history mark but that will go wayyyy up after that project me and katie are gunna do. man im excited for that big time! but yeah. im really thinking of getting a job. its so hard to afford things like going out for coffee and stuff and doing things for leon withought being like ahhhh i dunno if i have enough moohlah for that! so i dunno im thinking of regis, or a clothing store or like DQ.. dunno... somewhere close cause obviously id need a ride. Oh,well most of u know this but leon might be getting a job at star bucks! yummmmmmy. that means white chocolate mochas for katie. lol maybe she doesn;t need any caffine. hahaha but yeah. well i better go do something like vaccuume cause i don't want spiders in my room.