right now im in a bit of a spiritual slump. at the beggining of the summer i was doing really well with devotions and praying and stuff. but when i got a job and stuff, i forgot about Him. it makes me angry to think that i would forget about someone so important and special to my heart, it would be like forgetting my birthday or something. but anyways i feel very empty and im sure most of you can relate to this feeling. even when i was doing my devotions it was like, okay read this one chapter and ur done and go to bed. Sometimes it wasn't like that, sometimes i would read more and be really interested. but im not feeling close to Him.
This morning my mom talked to me about God. Usually im like oh no, here she goes again. but this morning i was really listning to her and wanting to hear what she had to say. She talked about my purpose in life and how i have to listen to God and do his work. My purpose is to lead others to christ, this is our purpose. She gave me an image. She said, imagine you are in Disneyland and you are so happy and having fun, then theres this glass wall that comes down. You are on one side of it with other people, and others are on the opposite side. On your side there are all the believers, on the other are the people that God placed in your path to help lead to Christ but you never took the time. I don't want to go to heaven and look down at all the people i could've helped lead to Christ.
God has put a fire in my heart this morning to do his work. I feel like he is calling me. I don't know what he wants me to do but i know that it will bring me closer to him. Unfortunatly, when you start getting closer to God, Satan attacks you. There is a battle for each of our hearts and it is hard when Satan tempts you with the easy way out, but really its not so easy. Heaven will be great, the greatest thing ever and our hearts belong to Christ. He is awesome and he loves us so much.
There this guy at work who i realllllllly don't like. hes sorta creepy and annoying. Lately i've felt bad feelings towards him. I'm usually not like that towards people but for some reason i felt that for him. My mom knows about this guy and she said remember that he is one of God's children, whether he believes or not. He belongs to God and He loves this guy as much as you or any of us. Jesus says for us to be loving to those who don't love us. So now im going to take a bit of a different attitude towards this guy, because he is one of God's children.
I have to go for now, my bible and prayer journal are calling me...
This morning my mom talked to me about God. Usually im like oh no, here she goes again. but this morning i was really listning to her and wanting to hear what she had to say. She talked about my purpose in life and how i have to listen to God and do his work. My purpose is to lead others to christ, this is our purpose. She gave me an image. She said, imagine you are in Disneyland and you are so happy and having fun, then theres this glass wall that comes down. You are on one side of it with other people, and others are on the opposite side. On your side there are all the believers, on the other are the people that God placed in your path to help lead to Christ but you never took the time. I don't want to go to heaven and look down at all the people i could've helped lead to Christ.
God has put a fire in my heart this morning to do his work. I feel like he is calling me. I don't know what he wants me to do but i know that it will bring me closer to him. Unfortunatly, when you start getting closer to God, Satan attacks you. There is a battle for each of our hearts and it is hard when Satan tempts you with the easy way out, but really its not so easy. Heaven will be great, the greatest thing ever and our hearts belong to Christ. He is awesome and he loves us so much.
There this guy at work who i realllllllly don't like. hes sorta creepy and annoying. Lately i've felt bad feelings towards him. I'm usually not like that towards people but for some reason i felt that for him. My mom knows about this guy and she said remember that he is one of God's children, whether he believes or not. He belongs to God and He loves this guy as much as you or any of us. Jesus says for us to be loving to those who don't love us. So now im going to take a bit of a different attitude towards this guy, because he is one of God's children.
I have to go for now, my bible and prayer journal are calling me...
yeah, i know exactly what you mean about thte guy at work. its hard to respect him never mind trying to love him. i just keep on thinking that if we really are going to ask the question, what would jesus do, and we looked for an answer- we see during his life, him choosing people that other people wouldn't have looked at and we see him choosing people like a slut and forgiving her, making her whole, and giving her back innocence. i've been thinking about that question more and more- What Would Jesus Do? he was a radical revolutionary and he's calling us- me and you to do the same. its scary and excting.
and your mom talking to you this morning reminded me of something someone said a long time ago.
"if i'm in heaven and one of my friends is in hell- i would rather have them ask "why didn't i listen to you?" than "why didn't you tell me?""
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