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Well yesterday i was at katelynn's house and we decided to go to Mc Donalds to get a happy meal. we walked in the door and there was four, 15 year old boys sitting at a table. one of them asked us to buy him a double cheeseburger. i said no and for him to stop talking to us. they all left and me and katelynn were left to eat in peace, but not for long. the one kid came up to our table and said hi ladies, then he grabbed katelynn's hamburger and ran. i thought he was going to come back but he didnt, he just kept running. well i was sorta mad so i ran out after him cause i had paid for katelynn. and katelynn was shocked and just sitting at the table. so then we got into my car and we chased him down. and he had eaten the cheeseburger. so i told him that he better pay us some money. he ran. we ran. into the park. i parked my car at katelynn's house. we lost them, then snuck up on them. as we were crouched behind some bushes some older guys we behind us, and looking very confused about why we were hiding in bushes. so i explained. and made us sound like complete stupid heads. i was like uh.. they uh stole her cheeseburger. and i pointed at katelynn. so then they decided to help us. so they went up to the group of guys and said that they were gunna call their friend named jack who had one eye and a hand gun. the younger guys looked a little frightened. but they proceeded to tell the older boys that they didnt steal katelynn's cheeseburger. then the 15 year olds went off and found some girls to tell their adventures too. luckily the girls werent too impressed and ended up telling us where the one kid lived and his name. after calling and searching for an address, me and katelynn went to this kids house. wow were we ever embarassed. the house was a mansion, and we were asking for like 2 bucks to buy a cheeseburger. reluctantly we went to the door, already feeling bad because it was like 10:oopm. we explained to his parents the whole story and they got katelynn's number. just as i was leaving katelynn's house the mom called. she said the boy was home and that he would give her five bucks. so katelynn went over and got the five bucks. so yeah. thats the end of that. thats my story of my wonderful wednesday night. it made my summer. did it at least make your day?
wow im feeling that summer boredom kicking in already, usually that starts in August for me. im starting to regret staying home all summer, no camp no anything. but there are a few things to look forward to i guess. Jerrid's 16th birthday party this Saturday, which is also when my stephie poo is coming home! also this weekend katelynn is spending at my house while her parents are out of town. and the last thing, which in my opinion is pretty exciting, is going to the Bes with Katelynn and Caitlin. thats next wednesday. and... so far.. thats my summer. pretty boring eh? one thought that i had was going out to Victoria to visit my grandparents, just for a few days, but i think that i might get a little bored. like its nice when someone comes with u, like my little brother for instance. but it would be me and the grandparents. i dunno, when i was little they could take my down to the beach and it was great. who knows, maybe ill go, maybe i wont. i just wish more people were around, dont get me wrong katelynn i have enjoyed hanging out with u for the past three days!!! haha. but i miss sooo many people *cough* steph! ahaha okay and maybe my little brother.. just a bit. and kent of course but im sorta used to him away for long periods of time but i might not be seeing him until like September which is pretty far away. oh well for now im not minding going on DQ runs and Walmart adventures with katelynn and kayla haha... what would i do without u guys? xoxo