heyy guys, halloween night...yay... im having a blast. actually its not that bad.. haha steph and bryn, u guys are probably freezing outside right now. oh well, im having fun handing out candy and seeing all the little kids (and the big ones..lol) in their costumes. and you know, i really wanted to go out trick or treating but running outside in the cold with a costume on and a heavy bag of candy isn't as fun as it used to be. but yeahh... so pretty much done nothing tonight except for eat a (only ONE) chocolate bar, ummm read some more of Ender's game.. dumb english... and give myself a french manicure. but im am on my daddys laptop and he needs it so i will post later to tell you the rest of the details of my oh so fun halloween night..
love y'all...
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
at school
heyy guys, at school right now... so bored... we are writing an essay on locke and demonsethese or something or other.. g2g bell rang
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
confuzeld are u
heyy guys, i haveto apologize, i know u guys were really confused when i was taking a break.. and i guess so was i. but yeah, srry i kinda didn't tell u what was really going on. but to set things straight i am totally fine now, im emailing, blogging (well obviously) and talking to leon. so yeah and anyways... man it seems like there are so many people to pray for these days.. i guess i should be thankful that God gaveme so many friends, even though a lot of them are going through hard times right now. and don't get me wrong, i love praying for my friends, especially one i can't talk to everyday. but yeah, i dunno its kinda sad in a way, but i guess we all go through hard times in our lives, and im thankful that i have people like you guys looking out for me. but back to today i guess, well the day has hardly started.. its 8:11. today i have a soccer game at 8:30, sucks that katelynn can't come but i believe you have volleyball tonight? haha im cool, im listning to avril lavigne. k guys im so pumped for friday night. it would be totally awesome if you could tell me ASAP if you can come for a sleepover k? i guess i'll talk to u more about at school. mhmmm.. i got to go tho, cause my hairs wet. and i have to dry it..lol
Monday, October 16, 2006
break time!!
heyy guys, im guessing ur all wonder y i wasn't at drop in, y im not calling you, and y im not at school right now. Truth is, i need a break from life. I have been too caught up in everyone elses problems that i have had no time to sit and think about how my life is going and where its going and so forth, just those kinda things. Yesterday i pretty much just broke. I felt emotions that i never thought i could or would ever feel. I felt very alone, desperate, hopeless.. and other things that you probably wouldn't expect that i would feel. although its not just yesterday that ive been feeling like this..especially the loneliness... i have been on an emotional rollercoaster but anyways, so today im just taking a break, i actually slept, i m gunna do some homework and have the day to myself. and for the whole week, possibly more, im taking a break from Leon. no we are not breaking up, no im not mad and him and hes not mad at me. we need some time to ourselves, i have a lot of things in my life i need to deal with and i have a lot of changes too and the same for him. so im not talking to him at all, or seeing him. so one thing you guys could do for me would be to try not to talk about it or anything, because its a little hard for me right now. We didn't exactly choose a break but i realize that its probably for the best. but yeah, this week, don't be surprised if i stop emailing you alltogether, calling and such, i really just need a week to chill and get my thoughts together and to think about how im feeling about all this. lately people have been giving me their opinions about things, and i haven't had time to express my own. so thats pretty much what this week is all about. there are a few issues that i need to sort through but im much better even this morning and me and my parents are getting along a lot better, especially me and my mom. but i have to go and get started, the day is already half done.
Friday, October 13, 2006
he he...

hey everyone.. srry for not posting for like a bazillion years.. well i guess it wasn't that long... but yeah. Once again i'll blame it on my bussiness, and moodiness cause that gets me in trouble..lol yeah lately i haven't been myself.. a little edgy and my moods are just a big rollercoaster,one minute im angry and have the deepest hate in my heart (yes i know thats from Satan) and the next everythings perfect and im on top of the world. but, i guess thats growing up for u.. anyways, i had my first soccer game on tuesday! i was soo nervous, i didn't want to go. But my katelynn showed up and i was like, yeah im gunna play. and then i look up at katelynn when i sit on the bench after my first shift and there's leon! i was so happy to see him cause i didn't expect him to come. then aftermy 3rd shift i looked up again and there is keith shouting at me and waving..lol everyones like who is that?! and im like, that.. wel that is Keith..lol but yeah, it pumped me up so much to have my friends there. and i love playing soccer with shannon, she is such a good goalie. but yeah, we won the game 3 to 1. well this weekend is going to be interesting, so pumped for mission impossible tonight!!! its gunna be so cold but i'll just put on a million layers. so after school im going shopping to try to find black pants and a white shirt with ewwww a coller... i have to get some for band and choir. the only thing im excited about is that we get to wear red ties! i dunno y thats exciting but yeahh..lol Then im going to youth, and supposedly leons making me dinner tonight...lol and then after youth who knows wat. saturday i have soccer.. come watch if u can, i understand if u can't cause its sorat early. I play at the new soccer center at 12:00. But yeahhh..Then im going to see the grude 2!!! im am sooo pumped for that, ive been waiting to see it for ages it seems like. yeah leons taking me..lol and then church on sunday and drop in and the best part... WORSHIP!!!!! me and katelynn loove worship..lol yeahhhhhh...but like i said, srry that ive been soo busy and if any can hang out or like just wants to talk *cough* erin (who i haven't talked to in forever) give me a dingle..lol katelynn... i better go get ready for school. love y'all!!!
haha stephie, the pic is for u..lol
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